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How Quadrilaterals are Used in Real Life Situations

A quadrilateral is a plane shape that has four sides or edges and four corners or vertices in geometry. When we look around, we see lots of quadrilateral-shaped objects: the floor, walls, ceiling, classroom windows, kite, chessboard, and so on. For a complete understanding of geometry, it is necessary to grasp the importance of quadrilaterals. We will go through the definitions, formulas, types, shapes, and attributes in depth.

We will get a line segment if we join any two points in order, a triangle if we join three non-collinear points in order, and a quadrilateral if we join four points in order (none of the combinations of three points out of these four points are collinear). A quadrilateral is a two-dimensional shape with four sides, four angles, and four vertices (corners or points). A quadrilateral’s internal angles add up to 360 degrees.

Importance of Quadrilaterals

In mathematics, the quadrilateral is a crucial concept. Students studying for certain examinations should learn about quadrilaterals because they will be using the notion of area and perimeter of quadrilaterals in degree courses.

When determining the importance of a quadrilateral, we must first know its definition, which is a closed figure having four sides and an angle; the sum of a quadrilateral’s internal angles is 3600. Quadrilaterals are classed based on the length of their sides and the angles between adjacent sides.

A quadrilateral can be defined as a polygon with four sides. The qualities of a quadrilateral are more numerous than those of a triangle. A quadrilateral has the unique property of having parallel opposite sides.

A parallelogram is defined as a shape with parallel opposite sides on each side. Because their opposite sides are parallel, rectangles, rhombuses (rhombi), and squares are all parallelograms (always). A rhombus also has four sides of equal length.

Trapezoids are quadrilaterals that contain only one set of parallel sides. A trapezoid, according to some arithmetic manuals, has at least one pair of parallel sides. It means that if there are two sets of parallel sides, this will create a parallelogram, making it a special type of trapezoid. Furthermore, trapezoids, according to other mathematics publications, have just one pair of parallel sides; this is strongly enforced in high school mathematics.

Applications of Quadrilaterals in Daily Life

Quadrilaterals can be found in almost all periodicals and magazines, as well as the footprints of most boxes, the forms of many rooms, the walls of all dwellings, and the floor in most cases. When repeated, a general quadrilateral with all sides of varying lengths and no parallel sides may not be ideal.

Architecture is one of the common applications of quadrilaterals in our daily life. Triangles and quadrilaterals can both be used to create multiple shapes. The architectural design of certain houses, for example, may be based solely on the utilisation of diverse quadrilateral shapes.

The Great Pyramids of Giza were built using the principle of congruence, particularly in triangles, which Egyptians used to divide a rectangle into two congruent triangles.

The concept of triangular congruence originating from the diagonal of quadrilaterals also aided Leonardo Da Vinci in the creation of the world-famous Mona Lisa. The Mona Lisa painting has a rectangular shape with dimensions of 73 cm x 53 cm. Some mathematicians claim that when painting the Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci used the golden rectangle principle.

Picture frames, tabletops, doors, and books are some applications of quadrilaterals in our daily life. Quadrilaterals are employed in computer programming, logos, visual art, sculpture, packaging, and web design and are prevalent. Quadrilaterals may be found in almost every aspect of daily life.

Characteristics of Quadrilaterals

The following are the characteristics of quadrilaterals: 

Properties of a Parallelogram

The properties of a parallelogram:

  • The opposite sides are congruent and parallel.
  • Angles that are opposed are congruent.
  • Adjacent angles are optional.
  • If one of the parallelogram’s angles is a right angle, then all of the other angles are right angles, and the parallelogram becomes a rectangle.

Properties of a Rectangle

  • The opposite sides are congruent and parallel.
  • Every angle is correct.
  • The diagonals are parallel and intersect one another (divide each other equally).
  • Angles created at the intersection of diagonals are congruent.
  • A rectangle is a form of a parallelogram with right-angled angles.

Properties of a Square

  • There are no inconsistencies in the sides or angles.
  • The opposite sides are perpendicular to one another.
  • The diagonals are all the same length.
  • The diagonals are perpendicular to one another and bisect them.
  • A square is a form of a parallelogram in which all of the angles and sides are the same.
  • In addition, when the diagonals are equal and right bisectors of one another, a parallelogram becomes a square.

Properties of a Rhombus

  • There is uniformity on all sides.
  • Congruent angles are those that are opposed.
  • The diagonals are perpendicular to one another and cut in half.
  • Adjacent angles are supplementary (for example, ∠A + ∠B = 180°).
  • A rhombus is a parallelogram with diagonals that are perpendicular.

Properties of a Trapezium

  • The trapezium’s bases are parallel to one another (MN ⫽ OP).
  • There are no congruent sides, angles, or diagonals.


This article has explored the importance and applications of quadrilaterals in our daily life. A quadrilateral is a type of polygon having four vertices and four sides, and is studied in Euclidean geometry. Quadrilaterals are constructions with two dimensions. They are divided into five categories and are employed in various real-life circumstances. The properties and regulations that control geometric shapes, known as quadrilaterals, are used to plan new structures’ floor plans, as well as to engineer and construct buildings and spaces.


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