Comparison of fractions used to determine the greater fractions. The different types of fractions are compared with other fractions to find out the greater fraction using various ways where the numerator and denominator are compared. Comparison of fractions is done with the same denominators. Comparison of fractions is an important concept that helps the students to understand the size of the fraction. Comparison of fractions is also done using different denominators.
What are fractions?
Digits, when they are presented in the p/q form, in which q*0, is known as a fraction. P is the numerator and q is the denominator. There are two types of fractions such as simple and decimal fractions. The comparisons of fractions are done in simple procedures. The comparison of fractions is done in the simplest way where the fractions are converted into decimal numbers. Therefore, it is found that fractions that have a large value in decimal are considered as the larger fraction.
Comparison of fractions
The comparison of fractions is done using the set of rules, which is related to the numerator as well as the denominator. By comparison of fractions, the bigger and the lower fraction can be identified. Comparison of fractions is performed regularly. Therefore, comparisons of fractions are done in various ways, which help to understand the method better.
How to find a comparison of fractions?
A comparison of fractions is performed by some techniques.
How to find a comparison of fractions by the cross multiplication method:
When the study subject is given “how to find a comparison of fractions” by using the cross multiplication method then it can be found out using the following method.
Two sets of fractions are given suppose, a/b and c/d,
Then if it is found out that ad is > than bc then it must be considered that a/b>c/d.
If ad=bc is found then is the fraction a/b=c/d
In the case of ad<bc, then it is considered that a/b=c/d
For example, if two fractions 4/7 and 3/8 are given and to find out the comparison of fractions 4 needs to be multiplied by 8, and 7 must be multiplied by 3. On multiplication, it can be found that 32 is greater than 21. Therefore, the fraction 4/7 is greater than 3/8.
How to find a comparison of fractions by changing them into decimals?
When the concern is “how to find a comparison of fractions” by converting it into decimals then at first the given fractions need to be converted into decimal forms. If two fractions 1/7 and 2/9 are provided, the 1/7 must be changed to 0.14 and 2/9 needs to be changed to 0.22. Therefore, comparison becomes easy as it can be seen that 0.22 is greater than 0.14. Therefore, the fraction 2/9 is greater than the fraction 1/7.
How to find a comparison of fractions by equating the denominators of the fractions?
When the question is “how to find the comparison of fractions” of equal denominators, then the LCM or Least Common Multiple of all denominators needs to be done. The denominators of all fractions become equal and the comparison of fractions is done based on numerators. The numerator, which is the largest, is considered the largest fraction. Suppose the given set of fractions is to be arranged in decreasing order: 3/5, 7/9, 11/3. Therefore, the first step is to conduct the LCM of 5, 9, and 13, which becomes 585. Now,
3/5= 3*117/5*117= 351/585
7/9= 7*65/9*65=455/585
11/13=11*45/13*45= 495/585
Therefore, the decreasing order of the fraction can easily be determined, as 495/585,455/585,351/585 and the order of the fraction will be 11/13, 7/9, 3/5.
How to find a comparison of fractions by using the Visualisation method?
When the question arises of “how to find the comparison of fractions” by visualisation method then we can use graphs or models with larger fractions. The lesser fraction takes up the lesser area in graphs. When comparison of fractions is done by such graphical methods using 4/8 and 4/6 as examples, it can be found that 4/6 takes more area in the graph whereas 4/8 takes less area in the graph and thus a visualisation method can be used. The models are divided into various parts with their denominators.
From the above discussion, it can be concluded that the comparison of fractions is used to determine the large or small fractions. The students find it easy to compare whole numbers. Therefore, the comparison of fractions is done with certain methods to determine the fractions. Comparison of fractions is performed in the case of fractions with the same denominator, equivalent fractions, fractions with the same numerator, or fractions with different denominators. The students can determine the comparison of fractions by converting them into decimal systems in some of the easiest techniques.