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What is Blood Relation Chart

Almost all competitive examinations include problems on the blood relations chart as a component of the logical reasoning or cognitive ability component.

One of the easiest chapters in Reasoning is Blood Relation chart. You may gain full marks through this chapter within a few minutes if you know the blood connections tactics.

Since we all learn, a relationship is a link that develops between two entities or people. Whenever we talk about family connections, we’re referring to a connection between two people formed by blood or, more basically, birth. Marriage binds two individuals or families altogether, therefore the bonds made by a wedding are also known as blood connections. The notion of blood link in reasoning will be discussed in this article.

What is a blood relation chart?

An indirect difficult explanation is given in the form from certain small relationships in these sorts of blood Relation queries, and a direct relationship among the individuals concerned is to be discovered. You’ll need understanding of blood relations for this, and you must try to analyse the supplied assertions systematically and attentively, for example.

I am my mother’s only child. Jaya is the sole daughter of her husband’s father-in-law (herself). When attempting to answer these questions, read the provided material carefully. Set aside your personal prejudices and prior assumptions and answer these questions using one of the two techniques listed below.

Translation of the supplied information into one’s own mother language and replacing unknown connections with one’s own kith and kin is a highly beneficial way in solving difficulties with blood relationships. Certain challenges need the ability to describe the supplied statement(s in the format of a schematic diagram.

Blood relationship chart, there are no fast and hard guidelines for designing the diagram or chart. You can represent the data using your own symbols, but leave no possibility for misinterpretation. In general, a diagram comparable to the ‘Traditional Family Tree’ found in history textbooks and genealogy can be drawn. We use’ m’  for ‘male,’ ‘f’ for ‘female,’ and ‘x’ for ‘y’ to indicate gender. ‘z’, for example, stands for unknown.

One key consideration is that a chart should always clearly illustrate the ‘generation,’ thus ‘horizontal lines’ indicate marriage, vertical lines indicate kids, and broken lines indicate sibling relationships. Furthermore, when making the figure, one must be careful not to mislead the facts.

What are the Types of Reasoning Relation Charts?

The standard and kind of inquiries asked about blood relations have changed slightly throughout the years. Initially, the questions were less sophisticated and assertion or dialogue-based, but as competition increased, the range of questions posed evolved as well.

  • Considering that blood relations is among the most common concepts out of which test questions are created, there are a variety of ways to include blood connection questions in competitive exams for candidates’ benefit:
  • Based on a dialogue or a conversation: In these questions, one individual defines his or her relationship with another.
  • Puzzles: Blood connection questions are often asked in the style of a puzzle to create the questions more challenging. Sub-questions based on a bit of basic details about numerous persons being connected may be asked.
  • Symbolic coding and decoding: Symbols can be used to represent a relationship between two persons. In today’s competitive tests, it has become a frequent way of asking questions about blood relations.

There are a few more considerations to keep in mind while answering the blood connection questions. A few significant suggestions are listed below:

  • You can’t guess a person’s gender solely based on their name.
  • The identity of Y cannot be ascertained until it is indicated in the inquiry if the statement indicates X is the kid of Y.
  • In puzzle-based questions, a network of relationships might arise, so don’t rush through them.
  • These questions are easy to answer and score, so don’t be concerned if the question appears to be lengthy.
  • Use a graphical explanation to settle the problem if there is a coding-decoding blood link. This clarifies the symbols and their relationships.

How to Solve Relationship Concept Questionnaires? 

  • After you’ve read that sentence, identify the two people with whom you’ll be forming a relationship.
  •  Make an attempt to connect the dots between the specified relationships.
  • When drawing a conclusion regarding the two people’s connection, keep in mind the demographics of the people involved.

Questions about blood relationships are asked in a variety of ways. Except for the question pattern, there is no significant variation between them.

Let’s try this out by attempting an example.

“The girl I saw previously at the seashore was the younger daughter of my friend’s mother’s brother-in-law,” sumi said kimi. What is the relationship between the girl and sumi’s friend?


  • Daughter
  • Friend
  • Cousin
  • Aunt
  • Sumi and a girl are the two characters in the story. The identity of the kimi remains unknown (it is now assumed to be male).
  • The conclusion of the next phrase shows that the scenarios also include another individual, i.e. sumi’s friend. Sumi’s friend is depicted as a circle since the statement states “daughter.”
  • Sumi’s friend has a mom whose brother-in-law seems to be the father of the girl she met earlier at the seashore. As a result of the family tree, it is evident that the girl at the seashore is Sumi’s friend’s cousin. It is not essential to determine Kimi’s gender in order to answer this question.

Therefore the correct answer is option C, cousin.


Among the most essential topics in logic and reasoning is blood relation charts. Knowledge of terminologies connected with various sorts of relationships, as well as the ability to sketch a family tree and extract information from it, are two essential prerequisites for this topic. Only when a learner engages in lengthy practice of these sorts of questions can they achieve perfection and confidence.


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