
In this blog, we will discuss Thanatophobia, its causes, symptoms, types, and ways following which one can overcome it.

Ever thought about dying? Ever wondered what could be the reasons for your death? Most people avoid thinking about their deaths but when they do, it is not pleasant. There is a significant percentage of people who have a fear of dying. Thinking of their death or the processes following which they could die triggers anxiety and is often known as death anxiety. 

Even though it is not categorised as a psychological disorder of its own, it comes with other psychological disorders like severe depression and anxiety disorders. In this blog, we will discuss Thanatophobia, what are the causes, symptoms, types, and ways to manage the fear of one’s death.

What is Thanatophobia?

Thanatophobia is derived from the Greek words Thanatos, which means death, and Phobos, which means phobia. In simpler words, Thanatophobia can be described as the fear of death. It is normal for people to get anxious when they think about their death or the possible causes of their deaths. But certain people experience severe anxiety and undergo panic attacks at the thought of their deaths. 

There are several feelings that a person might experience when thinking about death and how inevitable the phenomenon of death is. The feelings include separation, dealing with losses, and worrying about leaving behind people they care for. 

Thanatophobic people cannot separate the fear of death and relevant thoughts from their daily activities. Severe phobic symptoms could compel people to stay indoors and follow extreme measures to ensure that they are not hurt and are untouched by nature and human beings.

Symptoms of Thanatophobia

Even though there are no distinct characteristics or Thanatophobia symptoms, it is still a type of phobia. Panic attacks, hot flushes, dizziness, avoidance of situations whenever they think of dying, and even generalised feelings of depression and severe anxiety are the common symptoms of Thanatophobia. 

Thanatophobia Causes

The majority of phobias are triggered in an individual due to their past. People with traumatic pasts often get triggered by the thought of dying. A study conducted in the year 2017 suggested that young people fear death itself while older people have negative thoughts about the process of dying. In addition to their age, women have a higher chance of fearing their death compared to their male counterparts.

Types of Thanatophobia

Several underlying issues can be linked to Thanatophobia, including several other phobias, panic, and anxiety disorders. The fear of one’s death can be caused by a variety of phobias, including spiders, planes, water, fire, snakes, and even height. People who experience panic attacks regularly often know what it feels like to lose control and become helpless. This prompts their fear of death to a great number of degrees. 

Ways to overcome Thanatophobia

To manage Thanatophobia, there are several therapy programs designed to manage the panic and anxiety symptoms in people. It includes cognitive behavioural therapy, psychotherapy, and Exposure therapy. Apart from that, there are certain medications and relaxation techniques by which an individual can relax. Practising different breathing techniques and even redirecting focus on different objects present in a room can also help people to deal with their anxiety and panic better. 


Even though it is natural for people to fear the thoughts about their deaths and the process of dying, extreme thoughts about the same are what Thanatophobia is all about. Often the phobia of one’s death is followed by panic attacks and severe anxiety. Thanatophobia can be caused due to one’s traumatic history, and symptoms can range from dizziness, hot flushes, panic, sweaty hands and feet to an unconscious state of being.

It can be managed by therapies, including cognitive behavioural therapy, exposure therapy, and psychotherapy. Apart from that, medications for panic and anxiety attacks along with relaxation techniques can also help individuals with the erratic fear of death manage themselves better. With time and therapy, one can manage Thanatophobia more effectively and can control erratic thoughts.


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What is Thanatophobia?

Ans : Thanatophobia can be described as the fear of death. It is normal for people to get anxious w...Read full

What are Thanatophobia symptoms?

Ans : Panic attacks, hot flushes, dizziness, avoidance of situations whenever they think of dying, ...Read full

What are the causes of Thanatophobia?

Ans : The majority of phobias are triggered in an individual due to their past. People with traumat...Read full

How to overcome Thanatophobia?

Ans : To manage Thanatophobia, there are several therapy programs designed to manage the panic and ...Read full