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Important Boundaries and Lines of the World

International boundaries indicate the territorial limitations between two sovereign nations. Let us now take a look at some important international borders.

International boundaries refer to a dividing line that indicates the territorial limitations between two sovereign nations. These boundaries mark geographical borders and carry legal jurisdictions like nations, sovereign territories, and customs territories. Boundary delineation refers to the process of making a border. Some international boundaries are not thickly guarded or are freely open, like the European Union free movement area. This article discusses the important boundary lines of the world. Here, we shall also take a look at the international boundaries of India.

What Are International Borders?

An international border or boundary indicates the delineation of the space between two sovereign countries. A single national government enjoys complete authority within its borders. No other government can impede this national authority that exists within the international border, which makes up a country.

The border represents the sovereign limit of geographical territory over which a national government enjoys its authority. For example, the important international borders of the United States separate it from its land neighbours, Canada and Mexico. Several other important international borders make up the sovereign territory of nations.

List of Important International Borders

  • Hindenburg Line: It is the boundary that separates Germany and Poland. During the First World War, the Germans retreated to this line. The Hindenburg Line is one of the most important international borders.

  • Marginal Line: It is a 320 km line on the Russia-Finland border. It is a fortification line drawn up by General Mannerheim.

  • Medicine Line: This line forms the border between the United States and Canada.

  • Oder-Neisse Line: This line forms the border between Poland and Germany. It is drawn along the Oder and Neisse rivers, hence its name. This important international border was created at the Poland Conference in 1945.

  • Siegfried Line: Originally, it was a World War I line comprising defensive forts and tank defences. Germany set up this defensive boundary line in northern France during World War I.

  • 38th Parallel: This line separates North Korea and South Korea. This parallel of latitude is one of the most hotly contested international borders.

  • 40th Parallel North: It forms the original northern boundary of the territory of the British Colony of Maryland.

  • 49th Parallel: This line forms the boundary between the United States and Canada.

  • Inter-Entity Boundary Line: This particular line undertook the division of Bosnia and Herzegovina into two entities. One of these entities is Republika Srpska. The other entity is the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

International Boundaries of India

Just like important boundary lines of the world, India too has its borders that define its national territory. India shares land borders with the following seven countries:

  • Bhutan

  • Bangladesh

  • China

  • Afghanistan

  • Myanmar

  • Nepal

  • Pakistan

Let us take a look at the International boundaries of India:

  • McMahon Line: The naming of this line is after Sir Arthur Henry McMahon, who was a British Indian Army officer Lieutenant Colonel. It separates Tibet and northeast India.

  • Radcliffe Line: Radcliffe Line made the division of British India into India and Pakistan. It is named after Sir Cyril Radcliffe, who was the architect of this particular boundary. This boundary was drawn between the following:

    • West Pakistan (now Pakistan) and India

    • India and East Pakistan (now Bangladesh)

  • Durand Line: The demarcation of this boundary line took place by Sir Mortimer Durand. This line is between the nations of India and Afghanistan. At the time of its creation, it separated British India and Afghanistan. The Afghanistan border shares a short section with Jammu and Kashmir, the northernmost Indian state.

  • Line of Actual Control (LAC): This line represents the demarcation line between India and China. It separated the India-controlled territory in Jammu and Kashmir from the China-controlled territory. During the 1962 war, China captured the Aksai Chin area. In 1963, China declared a ceasefire. LAC represents this ceasefire line.

  • Line of Control (LOC): This is a line between India and Pakistan that is military controlled. Originally known as the Ceasefire Line in Jammu and Kashmir, it was renamed LOC during the 1972 Simla Agreement. It is not recognised as an international boundary.


International boundaries are simply a dividing line that is indicative of the territorial limitations between two sovereign nations. It indicates the delineation of the space between two sovereign countries. The Hindenburg Line is one of the most important international borders. 

India shares land borders with Bhutan, Bangladesh, China, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan. India’s international boundaries include the McMahon Line, Radcliffe Line, Durand Line, Line of Actual Control (LAC), and Line of Control (LOC).


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