
This article gives a brief guide on Geraphobia. We will discuss in detail what is Geraphobia, the symptoms of Geraphobia, and how Geraphobia can be cured.

Being human beings, we have a fear of many things. The technical term for fear is a phobia. Phobia or fear of things may be developed genetically, which means it can be of a neurological origin or due to the environment or specific incidents that leave us with unforgettable fear.

One such phobia is Geraphobia. Geraphobia can be defined as the fear of growing old or old age. This phobia arises when the thought does not fulfil expectations that they will have to suffer from unwanted diseases and lead to self degeneration with the growing age.

What is Geraphobia?

Geraphobia is an acquired disease that can be defined as the fear of growing old or old age. It arises when one’s expectations are not fulfilled because, with increasing age, one loses the body’s ability to work out things, acquires unwanted disease, and loses the performance of their senses.

Symptoms of Geraphobia

  • All phobias, by nature, give us one shared sense of feeling, which is the feeling of anxiety and stress to the victim. Gerophobia presents the same feeling in this case also.
  • Due to constant anxiety and overthinking, the individual leads to an inability to relax and stays under continual pressure.
  • It also leads to a feeling of dizziness.
  • Such victims depend on medicines and alcohol, and other hallucinogenic substances to manage the fear.
  • Such people avoid going to places where there are older adults and avoid talking to them.

Effect of Geraphobia on the victim

The symptoms of Gerophobia are almost uncontrollable. Constant overthinking deteriorates the body condition, and the mouth goes dry and sticky. The victim suffers from aches and pains and also experiences breathlessness. The victim loses confidence in realising that they may not be able to complete all the daily tasks with growing age. They also fear catching unwanted diseases, which may lead to self degeneration followed by death. Due to the fear of ageing or growing old, the victim tends to avoid older adults and avoid talking to them.

How to cure Gerophobia?

Since Gerophobia is a psychological or neurological disease, there are many ways in which this disease can be cured, which are as follows:

  • Close relatives/friends: Close relatives and friends can play a vital role in curing this disease since most people cannot understand this disease well. Someone close to the victim can help them know that this is just a thought affecting the victim psychologically and physically. By privately consulting with him or her and listening to his thoughts, one can help the victim release his or her stress and feel relaxed.
  • Motivational sessions: People suffering from Gerophobia have been observed to have lost confidence and remain under pressure for a long time. Such conditions can lead to loss of focus and the inability to relax and think properly.
  • Education: Educating the victim about the ways of the elderly can help the victim understand the situation and calm the mind.
  • Deep breathing: Deep breathing in front of the elder can help the victim convert the negative thoughts into positive ones.

In such cases, motivational seminars or motivational sessions can help the victim gain back confidence and encourage them to take steps that may help them improve their conditions.


Hence from the above information, it can be concluded that Gerophobia is an acquired disease, and not many people suffer from Geraphobia. Geraphobia can be recognised by experiencing anxiety and stress around old people or at the thought of old people. They fear suffering from unwanted diseases and growing weak. Close friends, motivational seminars, education about increasing age, and deep breathing can play a significant role in curing this disease.


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What is Geraphobia?

Ans. Geraphobia is an acquired neurological or psychological disease that leads to fear of growing ...Read full

Mention three symptoms of Geraphobia.

Ans. Symptoms of Geraphobia include the following: ...Read full

What is the effect of Geraphobia on the individual suffering from it?

Ans. An individual suffering from Gerophobia loses confidence, remains...Read full

How can Geraphobia be cured?

Ans. There are two ways to cure Gerophobia, including close r...Read full