We can define anorexia as a type of eating disorder in which a person does not consume enough calories as needed by the body, and they also limit different types of food. As a result, they fail to maintain an appropriate body weight based on factors like height, age, and physical health. They may lose weight as they do not consume the required amount of calories. They may vomit the food on purpose or exercise impulsively, or even use laxatives. People who suffer from anorexia fear that they may gain weight. Doctors describe anorexia as a severe condition as the person can even die due to extreme weight loss.
Anorexia symptoms
It is difficult to determine if a person is suffering from anorexia as it includes mental and behavioural components. If a person is underweight does not mean he has anorexia. Additionally, a person can be underweight and not have anorexia. Some common anorexia symptoms are:
Severe weight loss over a couple of weeks or months
Failure to maintain a suitable body weight which is based on height, age, and sex
Training excessively
Using appetite suppressant pills
Avoiding certain types of foods or food groups
Even when the weight of a person is low, he may continue to diet
The person may go to the washroom just after eating
The person may feel tired
The person may also feel bloated
Loss of muscles
The person may fall sick frequently
Causes of Anorexia
Anorexia or any other eating disorder is a very complex condition, and because of this, the real cause is not known. However, researchers suggest that certain factors such as genetic factors, environmental factors, and psychological factors may be responsible for the disorder. Factors that may cause anorexia are:
1. Genetics- Researchers suggest that genetics is responsible for around 50 to 80 % of the risk of developing anorexia. A person whose either parents or siblings suffer from an eating disorder can be expected to develop an eating disorder. It is also seen that alterations in brain chemistry can also cause such types of disorders. Hormones like dopamine and serotonin are responsible for mood and appetite.
2. Past trauma- Experts also believe that people sometimes try to cope with painful emotions and feelings by putting control on food, which may cause them to develop such disorders. It is also seen that people who have a history of physical abuse have also developed eating disorders such as anorexia.
3. Environment and cultures- Cultures often idealise a specific body type, generally thin body types. People may try to attain such body types, which could put a lot of pressure on them.
Treatments for anorexia
Sometimes it is difficult to convince the person that he is ill and needs treatment. A lot of people reject the fact that they have anorexia. However, some treatments for anorexia are:
Psychotherapy- Psychotherapy is a kind of therapy in which the therapist may try to convince the person to change their way of thinking. It includes methods that may help develop a healthy attitude concerning food and body weight. It is also important to see the root cause of anorexia, which will further help in the treatment.
Medication- Sometimes, medications are prescribed that help the person cope with anxiety and depression. It is often seen that anxiety and depression are associated with eating disorders.
Nutrition counselling- People suffering from anorexia may need nutrition counselling as they do not eat every type of food and their calorie intake is also low. Counselling aims to teach the importance of a balanced diet and help the person re-establish normal eating patterns.
Hospitalisation- Hospitalisation may be required if the person suffers from extreme weight loss and is also going through other mental and physical health problems. A person may not recover from normal treatments in extreme conditions.
Anorexia is an eating disorder in which a person does not eat enough food and his low-calorie intake causes him to lose weight. The person may do excessive exercise or use laxatives inappropriately. If the person is losing weight very quickly, it could be life-threatening. It is advised to take proper treatment for anorexia. Many factors could cause anorexia, such as genetics, past traumas, or emotional health. Therapies and medications are proved to be effective against anorexia. The person may also need nutrition counselling to know the importance of food. However, hospitalisation may be needed in extreme cases.