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Alphabetical Order of Words

Alphabetical order of words is important to understand how words are ordered, it also becomes important to answer certain reasoning questions. Read on to master it.

The alphabetical order of words is an important way to ensure how words are arranged sequentially and logically. Understanding this leads to answering most of the logical arrangement of words and reasoning questions well. 

Creating an Alphabetical Order of Words

Putting the words in alphabetical order is nothing but making a logical arrangement of words in reasoning questions and its answering is made easier. To make alphabetic order of words, we need to look at the first letter of each word. Then these must be ordered exactly in the order of the alphabets (i.e., words starting with the letter “a” come first, followed by the words starting with the letter “b,” then the words starting with the letter “c,” and so on till the words starting with the letter “z”). For example, if we have to order the following words in a logical arrangement of words for reasoning questions:

Audi, Chevrolet, Bugatti, Evans, Genesis

These words are arranged in alphabetical order of words in the following manner:

Audi, Bugatti, Chevrolet, Evans, Genesis

Arranging words in alphabetical order of words when the beginning letters are the same.

It becomes slightly difficult when there are words that start with the same letter and the words need to be arranged in alphabetical order of words. Arranging words is a logical arrangement of words for reasoning questions and helps us to see a pattern in these words.

For example, the following words need to be arranged in alphabetical order of words:

Apple, Asia, able, animal, alphabet, attitude

All these words start with the letter “a.” What needs to be done in this case, is that since these words start with the letter “a,” we need to look at the second letter in the word. Then we arrange the words in that order. 

Apple, Asia, able, animal, alphabet, attitude

Now, if the above words are arranged in alphabetical order of words, this is how it would be arranged:

Able, alphabet, animal, Apple, Asia, attitude
Please note how easy it is to arrange the words in the alphabetical order of words when the first letters are the same – the trick is simple, we order the words according to the second letter when the first letters are the same.

When the First Two Letters are the Same

This logic can be extended even when the second letters are the same! To explain it further, when the first two letters of the word are the same, the letters to be considered move further up to the third letter of the word.

Rules for Arranging in the Alphabetical Order of Words

The following simple rules should be followed for arranging a given set of words in alphabetical order:

Rule Set 1: (Applicable when the first letters of all the given words are different) 

  • Inspect all the words with a special focus on the starting letters

  • Move the words around until all the words are in the order of the starting letters

Rule Set 2: (Applicable when the first letters of all the given words are the same)

  • Inspect all the words with a special focus on the first two letters

  • When the first letter is the same, arrange the words in the order of the second letter

Rule Set 3: (When the first two or three or more letters of the words are the same)

  • Inspect all the words with a focus on the first set of common letters

  • Arrange the words on the first differently occurring letter


Arranging a given set of words in a logical order is important to answer reasoning questions that deal with words. The three important rules need to be kept in mind and followed carefully. It is immensely simple; the given set of words are ordered based on the first letter of the word. If the first letters are common, then the ordering is done on the second letter in the word and so on.


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