1. Select the most appropriate synonym of the highlighted word.
The crowds gathered were partisan in nature.
- pitiful
- Kind
- biased
- Destructive
Correct Answer (3)
2. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
- Indifferent
- Detached
- Epicure
- Non-indulgent
Correct Answer (3)
3. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given group of words.
To criticize someone severely
- Rate
- Chastise
- Scoff
- Remonstrate
Correct Answer (2)
4. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given group of words.
Huge fire for celebration
- Agenda
- Campaign
- Bonfire
- Crossfire
Correct Answer (3)
5. Select the most appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom.
In the movie ‘Encanto’, the family thought Bruno was a black sheep.
- Disgrace for the family
- Danger to the family
- Unrelated to the family
- Unloved by the family
Correct Answer (1)
6. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
A lame excuse
- Weak excuse
- No excuse
- Strong excuse
- Explanation
Correct Answer (1)
7. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Up in the air
- Something that is tossed up in the air
- Something that is unknown entirely
- Something that is certain and decided
- Something that is invisible and unattainable
Correct Answer (2)
8. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.
- Saintly
- Ordinary
- Queer
- Unduly
Correct Answer (2)
9. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the capitalised word in the given sentence.
The lunch menu includes some TEMPTING vegetarian offerings.
- Repelling
- Enticing
- Tantalising
- Seductive
Correct Answer (1)
10. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.
- Energetic
- Delicate
- Hard
- Extreme
Correct Answer (2)