SSC CHSL Types of Exams
SSC CHSL examination is conducted in various modes for different types of exams. The tier I examination is conducted in CBT mode, the tier II examination is in descriptive form and tier III is a skill test. Read below to learn more about these exams. The SSC CHSL exam contains a computer-based examination (tier I), a descriptive paper (tier II) and a skill test (tier III).
- Tier I consists of objective-type questions available in English and Hindi for parts II (General Intelligence), III (Quantitative Aptitude – Basic Arithmetic Skill) and IV (General Awareness)
- Tier II will be a descriptive paper of 100 marks in pen and paper mode
- The duration of the exam is one hour and extra twenty minutes will be given to the scribe-eligible candidates
- The exam will include an essay, letter, application, precis and other exercises
- Data entry speed test will be of eight thousand key depressions per hour on the computer on the basis of the correct entry of words/ key depressions as per the given passage
- The duration of the exam is fifteen minutes and printed matter in English containing about 2000-2200 key-depressions would be given to each candidate who would enter the same in the Computer
For the Post of Data Entry Operator Grade A in the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India
- The speed of fifteen thousand key depressions per hour on the computer will be on the basis of correct entry or words or key depressions as given in the passage
- The duration of the test will be in fifteen minutes and printed matter in English containing about 3700-4000 key-depressions would be given to each candidate who would enter the same in the Computer