
Cut Off

Do you want to know the cut off of the SSC CGL Examination? Click now to learn more!


The information related to cut off in examination is given below:

  • Marks scored in computer-based examinations (in case conducted in multiple shifts) will be normalized using the formula derived by the commission
  • These normalized scores will be used to determine the final merit and cut off marks
  • Tentative answer keys will be made available on the official website of the Commission post-examination 
  • Candidates can go through the Answer Keys and challenge a question (if any), by making a payment of Rs. 100 per question within the stipulated time limit 
  • Any representation made through other modes such as email, letter or application will not be considered 
  • All the representations regarding answer keys will be scrutinized before finalizing answer keys 
  • The decision made by the Commission in this regard will be final
  • In question papers, wherever required, metric systems of weights and measures will be used
  • There will be provision for revaluation or re-checking of scores