Railway Exam » Railway Exam Study Materials » Physics » WHAT ARE CARBON AND OXYGEN CYCLE


Carbon and oxygen cycles seem to be two biogeochemical cycles in the earth's surface and it helps in life possibilities through these cycles.

The most important aspect of this study is that it deals with the carbon and oxygen cycles. This particular topic is related to the biochemical aspects and the discussion of oxygen cycle and carbon is another aspect of this study. Discussion in this matter says that none of the cycles makes life possibilities on the earth’s surface. Both of the aspects in this field are separate, but they are dependent on each other. It is because the carbon cycle provides oxygen for the completion of the oxygen cycle. On the other hand, it can be seen that the oxygen cycle releases carbon dioxide and it goes back to the cycle of carbon. 

Carbon is a metal or nonmetal

In this field of this study, the group of carbon provides the matter that in this group change happens more than any other group. The change can be seen from the non-metallic character to the metallic character with the increasing atomic number. In this particular aspect of the study, it can be seen that carbon is a true nonmetallic character in every sense. The periodic table related to the carbon group element helps to make group 14 in this field of this study. Carbon is a nonmetallic character that helps in the formation of groups related to carbon. 

Use of carbon

Carbon can be used in the daily life of human beings and it helps to make life better in an efficient way. Glucose, sugar, proteins are made of carbon and it helps to make up 18% of the human body. Carbon is also most important in jewelry and it can be in the form of a diamond. Another form of carbon namely amorphous carbon is used in the making of paints and inks. The most important use of carbon is that it is used in the making of dating. Graphite is a form of carbon and it is used as a lead of pencils.  


Oxygen in this field is considered to be a chemical element in this field with the atomic number 8 and acquiring the symbol of ‘O’. It is considered to be a member of the chalcogen group and is highly reactive in the group of periodic tables. In the general sense, oxygen is found as a molecule in this field and this particular type is called dioxygen. It can be seen that two atoms of oxygen in the air join for the formation of dioxygen. This is the particular type of concept of oxygen and it is also described as a nonmetal in this field.   

Carbon cycles

The carbon cycle can be described as a process in this field and the process describes the travel of atoms around the atmosphere. The main important aspect of this field is that the travel of atoms can be noticed from the atmosphere to the earth, and then back to the atmosphere. The planet and the atmosphere in this field is within a closed environment, and in this field, the amount of carbon does not change. Different stages in the cycle of carbon can be noticed in this factor and these processes help in the cycle of carbon. The six main processes are- respiration, photosynthesis, combustion, and sedimentation. All these processes of carbon help in the dealing of this process when they are in the form of CO2.     

Importance of oxygen cycle

The oxygen cycle is considered to be an essential biochemical cycle and it is useful for the maintenance of the concentration, and the level of oxygen in the atmospheric region. In this field, it is important to note that the oxygen cycle is the reason for the existence of life on earth. It is also important in this factor that the biosphere will not exist without the existence of oxygen.   

Respiration, combustion, and decomposition

Respiration or cellular respiration in this field is considered to be a process through which animals take in oxygen and sugar, and they also emit carbon dioxide, energy and water. Birds, fishes, insects follow these processes and it has been coming for years. Combustion is the process of the release ofCO2 in the atmosphere through different ways and it also includes forest fires and volcanic eruptions. Decomposition is another process of this field that includes different components. In this field it can be seen that when an animal or a plant dies, then oxygen and carbon are reunited to the soil and to the air, this process is called decomposition.


This particular study deals with the aspects of the carbon and oxygen cycle. Both of the cycles are considered to be the most important aspect of this study and their importance is noticeable in the atmosphere. The importance of the oxygen cycle can be seen in this field and different stages of the carbon cycle are mentioned. The use of carbons is another aspect of this study that deals with the two different cycles. 


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