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In the fields of chemistry, acid, base and salts play an irreplaceable part and they are important for determining the nature of substances.

Acids and bases are not only important in determining the nature of substances but also play a crucial part in human life. Acids and bases are essential as within our body mechanism, several enzymes are there that can only work on the basis of a proper level of acidity. Moreover, it is as well acknowledged that cells are responsible for secreting several acids and bases that help in maintaining the pH level within a human body. Furthermore, maintaining a proper pH level supports in determining enzymes to work within the human body. In daily life, acids, as well as bases, effectively determine a role in the digestive system within a human and are used in several products that are used for cleaning purposes. There lies quite an interesting fact to know that with the help of taste one can easily identify whether it is an acid or base.

Main body 

Understanding of Acids, bases and salts

A periodic table is quite essential while talking about acids and bases, as depending on the periodic table the level of acidity as well as the nature of the base can be determined. In order to get a proper view of the acids and bases, a proper need to be established about the periodic table. A periodic table refers to a particular table that is established by scientists, consisting of a number of elements that are successively arranged in their atomic number. These chemical elements are arranged in their rows, in order to assist the scientist in determining the elements with similar structures of atoms displaying similar “chemical properties”. It needs to be noted that the periodic table determines whether the chemical elements possess acidic or basic properties. This is because if an individual moves from the left towards a right direction we can evidence that the “acid-base character” of several hyper oxides as well as oxides changes from basic in nature to acidic.

What is a periodic table?

Periodic table is determined as a table that effectively arranges several chemical elements based on their characteristics. This table assists scientists in easily working with several elements that are found on earth and help them remember the specific properties that are established by the elements. As one goes up to down it determines groups. In addition to these, it needs to be acknowledged that, as one moves from right within the periodic table, the nature of the acidity of the element increases. In addition to these, the basic hydrates are on the left sides of a periodic table.

What are acids?

Acids are chemical compounds that, when dissolved in water solution, turns the water a bit sour. Further, the litmus paper, which is blue, if dipped in the acids changes its colour into red. In most, while reacting with the same metals, the reaction liberates hydrogen and as well as when acids react with bases it generally creates salts. In addition to these, on reacting with acids, it is found that the acids promote chemical reactions, which means it promotes acid catalysis. It is essential to note that the acids are commonly sour in their tastes. Some of the examples of organic acids are acetic acids that are commonly known as vinegar, lactic acids that are commonly found in milk, citric acids known as lemon juice.  

What are bases?

It needs not be understood that the nature of bases and acids is based on their characteristics and with the help of their innate natures scientists determine whether it is an acid or base. In defining bases, in chemistry, it is to be understood that they are substances, which when mixed with water forms a slippery consistency and it generally tastes bitter. 

What are salts?

In definition stilts in the field of chemistry, it needs to be noticed that the salts are primarily formed from the reaction that is conducted between acids and bases. Better to say that the slats are a combination of both the ions. These ions commonly consist of positively charged and of anions that are negatively charged in nature. The reaction between acids and bases can be determined as neutralization reactions. The most common salt is known as sodium chloride and is represented as (NaCl).

Properties of acids and bases and salts

The most prominent property that is noted within the acids is that they are sour in taste, whereas the bases are bitter in taste. Moreover, it is as well noticed that the salt represents both the notions of acids and bases and thereby has a salty taste. The ph level of acids is less than 7, whereas the pH level of the bases is greater than 7. It needs to be noted that pH level 7 represents neutral.


In concluding the study, it is noticed that an in-depth study has been acknowledged that caters to effectively define the bases, acids as well as salts. Moreover, their respective properties are discussed that will support in effectively identifying the characteristics of several elements. Moreover, it is also noticed that, as one moves from left to right it determines the periods that are exhibited by the periodic table.


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