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The carbon cycle is a biogeochemical cycle through which carbon is exchanged among the geosphere, biosphere.

The carbon cycle is the way nature reuses the atoms of carbon that move from atmosphere to organism on earth and then effectively back to the atmosphere. The article is going to focus on the overview of the carbon cycle, the steps of the carbon cycle as well as the importance of the carbon cycle. The chemistry periodic table organizes the element of discovered chemicals in columns and rows effectively. There are multiple functions of the carbon cycle such as it assists in maintaining the balance between the temperature of the earth and different life forms.

Overview of carbon cycle and chemistry periodic table

The carbon cycle can be defined as a biogeochemical cycle through which carbon is effectively exchanged among the atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, pedosphere as well as a biosphere of the earth. Carbon is the primary element of biological compounds. The carbon cycle plays a crucial role in terms of making the earth capable of effective and sustaining life. The main components of the carbon cycle are:

  • The interior of the earth such as the crust and mantle
  • Sediments include non-living organic material, freshwater systems and fossil fuels
  • Ocean including  non-living and living marine biota and dissolved inorganic carbon
  • Terrestrial biosphere
  • Atmosphere

The chemistry periodic table groups different elements on the basis of their chemical properties. As per the chemistry periodic table, the carbon atomic number is six and the autonomic mass is 12.11. Carbon is a non-metallic chemical element in the segment of Group 14 (IVa) of the chemistry periodic table. The chemistry periodic table displays the element name of discovered chemicals in columns and rows. Element name or properties of carbon is the cosmic outcome of “combustion” of helium, where atomic weight 4, three helium nuclei, fuses to form a carbon nucleus, “atomic weight 12”. Carbon cycles effectively move from the earth’s atmosphere to living things and plants. 

Steps of carbon cycle

The carbon cycle assists in maintaining the sustainability of the earth and it regulates climate change through the control of atmospheric CO2. There are mainly two components in the carbon cycle, a slow carbon cycle and a fast carbon cycle. The slow carbon cycle included the transition of inorganic carbon for instance weathering of soils and rocks. The fast carbon cycle effectively involves the processes of biology for instance decomposition and photosynthesis. There are mainly four steps of the carbon cycle such as respiration, combustion, photosynthesis, and decomposition.

The carbon cycle 

  • Carbon progresses from the atmosphere to plants. In the atmosphere of the earth, carbon is effectively attached to oxygen and produces the gas of carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon dioxide is drawn from the air through the photosynthesis process to produce food for the growth of plants from carbon.
  • Carbon progresses from plants to animals through the food chain. When animals and plants die, their woods, bodies, and leaves corrosion bring carbon to the soil.
  • Carbon progresses from animals and plants to soils.
  • Carbon progresses from living things to the atmosphere.  
  • Carbon progresses from fossil fuels to the atmosphere during the times fuels are burned. 
  • Carbon progresses from the atmosphere to the oceans.  

Importance of carbon cycle

The carbon cycle plays a critical role in the ecosystem as it moves a life-sustaining element, carbon from oceans and the atmosphere into organisms and effectively back again to oceans and the atmosphere. There is effective importance of carbon in regulating the climate and global temperature of the earth through controlling the rate of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. 

Carbon is the effective chemical backbone of the earth in the field of living things. The compounds of carbon regulate the temperature of the earth as well as provide energy. Most of the carbon of the earth is effectively stored in the sediments and rocks.  The rest of the carbon is located in the atmosphere, live organisms, and the ocean. The temperature of the earth plays a critical role in terms of continuing the activities of people effectively.

In the present scenario, people face different challenges due to excessive pollution rates and the low amount of availability of forests for instance climate change. In case, there is no presence of carbon dioxide in the earth, the oceans of the earth would be frozen effectively. Carbon dioxide plays a critical role in the internal respiration functions of the human body. Carbon can be defined as a source of energy and as per the chemistry periodic table; the carbon atomic number is six.    


Based on the above discussion, it can be concluded that carbon is an effective source of energy and there is an effective importance of the carbon system on the earth. The article has discussed the overview of the carbon cycle, the steps of the carbon cycle as well as the importance of the carbon cycle. The chemistry periodic table assists in analyzing the chemical elements effectively. Moreover, it can be stated that the carbon atomic number in the chemistry periodic table is six and the autonomic mass is 12.11.


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