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The Moderate And Extremist Phase of Congress

The moderate phase and extremist phase of Congress were equally challenging for Indians during the freedom struggle. Know about the challenges in detail here.

It can be hard to stand up for what you believe in, especially when it feels like everyone around you is telling you to do something different. It is especially true in politics, where compromise and bipartisanship are often seen as the keys to success. However, there are times when standing up for your beliefs is more important than ever. In this blog post, we will discuss the moderate and extremist phases of Congress, and how to stand up for what you believe during both of these periods.

Moderate Phase Of Indian National Congress

In the beginning, Indian National Congress was a platform for Moderates to express their views. The main aim of these moderates was to work within the framework that the British had created in India and make changes for the empowerment of Indians. This phase started with the establishment of the Indian National Congress under the leadership of AO Hume and Dadabhai Naoroji. 

In its initial years, INC was a small body of mainly upper-class Indians who were educated and had some knowledge about British politics. They believed that if they put forth their demands in the right way to the Government, then they would be heard and things will start moving in the right direction for India’s benefit. Some important leaders from this period includes:

Dadabhai Naoroji (1825-1917)

He coined the term “Drain Theory” which explained how money drained out of India due to colonial rule and went into Britain; he also founded INC at Bombay.

Gopal Krishna Gokhale( 1866-1915)

He belonged to Prarthana Samaj, an organization established during British rule in India which aimed to promote indigenous culture and education. He was a Moderate leader within INC and is considered the “Father of Indian Unrest” because of his work in organizing protests against British colonialism.

Bal Gangadhar Tilak (1856-1920)

He was a Marathi Brahmin from Maharashtra and one of the most prominent leaders of the Moderates in INC. He believed that Indians should first gain independence through political means, and only then focus on social issues. He also started the Ganapati Festival as a way to unite Hindus during colonial rule.

Extremist Phase of Indian National Congress

The Extremists rejected Moderates’ policy of petitioning and conciliation with the Government. Instead, they stood for self-reliance ‘Swarajya’ (Complete Independence) as its goal. They wanted to challenge British rule in India through a mass movement involving boycott, civil disobedience, national education etc., The Extremists believed that people must be prepared to face repression during their struggle against foreign rule. Therefore they laid stress on physical force training under leaders like Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Bhagat Singh. The Extremists were nationalists who wanted to strengthen the national spirit of Indians. They believed in nationalism and that’s why they stood for boycott, Swadeshi, national education etc.

By 1907-08, the Extremists gained a position of strength within Congress. The British Government started treating all leaders with suspicion whether moderates or extremists. This created an atmosphere conducive to unity among them as both came under attack from the same quarters”.

The Extremist phase of the Indian National Congress was marked by two main ideologies – the moderates and the extremists. The moderates believed that people must be prepared to face repression during their struggle against foreign rule. They wanted to challenge British rule in India by starting a mass movement. This would involve boycotting and disobeying the British, as well as learning about India’s history and culture.


The Moderate and Extremist Phase of Congress is an important time in the development of our government. It’s during these two phases that bills are created, debated, and finally passed into law. Understanding the different roles played by both the moderates and extremists is key to understanding how our government works.


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