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Key Movement Of The British Time: Child Labour

Everything you need to know about Reformist Leaders and Movement. Child labour, act on child labour, what is child labour, and other topics related to Reformist Leaders and Movement.

Child labour is defined as the child workers in any task that precludes them of their childhood , conflicts with their opportunity to attend a normal school, and is risky and detrimental psychologically, physically, socially, or morally. 

Child Labour

Almost every country on earth has laws governing and attempting to prevent child labour. The Department Of Labour has contributed to the development of international law, which most governments have signed and approved. Child labour, according to the ILO minimal age convention (C138) of 1973, is any work performed by people under the age of 12, non-light work engaged in children aged 12–14, and hazardous work performed by children aged 15–17. This Convention defined light employment as any job that does not endanger a child’s health or development and does not conflict with his or her attending school. 171 nations have ratified this treaty. 

Agreement on the Rights of the Child

    • In 1990, the United Nations established the Agreement on the Child’s rights, which was later ratified by 193 nations.
    • The following is an excerpt from Section 34 of the Agreement on the Rights of the Child:
  •  Parties acknowledge the child’s right to be safeguarded against economic oppression and
  • From undertaking any labour that is likely to be dangerous or
  • Interfere with the student’s future, or
  • To be damaging to the child’s well-being or physiological, mental, spiritual, moral, or social development. 

Acts On Child Labour 

  • Policies Against Child Labour
  • 2017 Amendment Rules on Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation)
  • The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation)
  • Amendment Act of 2016 amends the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act.
  • The Child Labour (Development and Regulation) Act of 1986 prohibits and regulates child labour.
  • Constitutional Provisions for the Advancement of Children
  • Article 21 A: Rights to Education; Article 24: Restriction of underage labour in factories; and Article 39: This same State should, in particular, devote its strategy toward ensuring Legislative Provisions. Prohibiting and Regulating Child Labour ILO’s main conventions linked to child labour
  • Child Labour Policy at the National Level
  • Restoration of Children Working in Dangerous Occupations Under the Right to Education Act
  • List of Dangerous Occupations and Process Dangerous Occupations
  • Resources for processes. 

After a thorough consultation with stakeholders, the Government of India has announced the change to the Child Labour (Development and Regulation) Central Rules. The Rules establish a wide and specific framework for child and adolescent worker prevention, prohibition, rescue, and rehabilitation. It also addresses concerns with family assistance and family businesses, as well as the concept of family in relation to children; specific measures have been integrated into the rules. Furthermore, it protects artists who have been granted permission to work under the Act in terms of working hours and working conditions. The rules include explicit provisions outlining the roles and obligations of enforcement authorities to ensure successful implementation and compliance with the Act’s provisions. 

The Child Labour Amendment Act of 2016

The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Act of 2016 amends the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act. 

The Child Labour (Federal ban & Supervision) Amendment Act, 2016, was enacted by the government and went into effect on 1.9.2016. The Amendment Act outright forbids the employment of minors under the age of 14. The amendment also forbids the employment of teenagers between the ages of 14 and 18 in dangerous activities and procedures, and it restricts their workplace conditions where it is not forbidden. The change also establishes harsher penalties for employers who violate the Act, as well as making the crime of hiring any youngster in violation of the Act by a company cognizable. 

The amendment authorizes the competent Government to bestow such authorities and impose such obligations on a District Judge as would be necessary in order to facilitate effective implementation of the Act’s provisions. Furthermore, the State Plan Of action has been distributed to all States/UT’s in order to ensure that the Act is implemented effectively. 

Child Labour Core Conventions Of The International Labour Organization

The International Labour Organization is a United Nations body that was founded in 1919. The International Labour Organization (ILO) brings together governments, businesses, and labour representatives from 187 member countries to set labour standards, formulate laws, and design programs to promote proper work for all women and men. 

The ILO’s primary mode of action is the establishment of International Worker Rights in the form of international conventions. Conventions are treaty obligations that provide legally enforceable duties on governments who ratify them. Recommendations are non-binding statements that establish guidance for governmental policies and activities. 

Reforms Between 1820 And 1865

Between 1820 and 1865, the United States had a protracted period of reform, characterized by a strong desire to cleanse people and society as a whole. 

Agreement with the assessment of the reform movement’s leaders: 

The reform movements that arose in America during the antebellum period focused on specific issues such as temperance,  abolition of capital punishment, abolishing debt imprisonment improving the treatment of prisoners (with prison’s intent preconceived as a recovery rather than punitive action), pacifism,  antislavery, the humane treatment, the humane and just therapeutic interventions of Native Americans, and the formation of state bodies for the care of the desperately poor, orphans, and the disabled. 

Although many people became satisfied or active in one or more of these issues, the guiding activists for these factors were frequently interchangeable, and they would meet at loosely connected reformer conventions, where they decided to share passions and political tactics, and jostled for management positions in the multiple reform movements. All of these factors did not emerge simultaneously , but were supplemented or completely stated one by one. As each of these issues appeared, several reformers—dubbed “global reformers”—took them on and incorporated them into their own list of concerns.


 We have understood Reformist Leaders and Movement. Child labour, act on child labour, what is child labour, and other topics in the study material of Reformist Leaders and Movement. 

A child is defined as “any person below the age of 18 years unless, under the legislation applicable to the children, a majority is acquired earlier” under Section 1 of the 1990 Convention. According to Article 28 of the Convention, states must “make elementary education obligatory and available free of charge to everyone.”


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