Problems on Ages

Competitive exams are inclusive of different types of questions. One of them is problems to calculate age. Learn how to solve age-related problems in mathematics.

Mathematics is a subject that can be applied in our everyday lives. It’s not just about solving equations and doing complex calculations; it also deals with real-world problems that we face daily. One of them is the problem of age. In this blog post, we will take a look at what kind of problems do people have in old age and how to solve them using mathematics.

What are old age problems in mathematics?

Problems on ages in mathematics are certain types of mathematical problems that involve people’s ages. The most common old-age problems are the questions of how to find someone’s age if only their date of birth and current age are known. Other old age problems include questions about life expectancy, retirement savings, and so on.

Old-Age Problems are very common in competitive exams nowadays, especially the ones conducted by SSC and Banking Sector, etc.,  Let us learn how to solve these old-age problems. There are many old age problems with solutions, old age easy math problem tricks, and old age puzzle questions to understand the concept. One must know how to solve old age problems in mathematics using one person before solving any of these old age problems in mathematics pdf

How can these old age problems be solved?

Fortunately, old age problems can be solved by applying formulas. The formula is as follows:

(Current Age) + (Years Since Birth) = (Total Years Old).

In problems of age, the number of years since birth is usually known. If it isn’t, you can use this other formula:

(Number of Years Until Next Birthday) – (Current Age) = (Number of Years Since Birth).

For example, if someone is turning 30 in two years and their current age is 27, the first formula would be 30 + (27-30) = 27. The old-age problem would be 27 years old + 0 years = Total Years Old, or “27 years old”.

The first formula can also be used to solve old age problems where the date of birth and current year are known but not the person’s age. This formula is as follows:

(Current Year) – (Year of Birth) = (Current Age).

For example, if someone was born in 1973 and the current year is 2000, the old-age problem would be:

2000 – 1973 = Total Years Old or “27 years old”.

Old age easy math problem tricks:

There are some basic tricks used to solve age problems in mathematics. let us take a look at some of them:

– suppose you are given the age of two persons, x and y. to find the difference in their ages, we use the formula: diff = x – y

– if you want to find out how old someone will be in n years, use this formula: age in n years = (n + x) / y

– to find the percentage of increase or decrease in age, use this formula: %age change = ((new age – old age) / old age) * 100

These are some of the most commonly used formulas when it comes to solving problems. However, there may be other methods that work better for a particular problem. So, it is always best to try out different techniques until you find the one that gives you the correct answer.

Math old age problems with solutions

Another way of looking at old age problems in mathematics is by using graphs. let us take a look at an example:

– old age = y years old

In this case, when you plot a graph of old age versus time (x), there will be two lines on it: one line represents the past and another line represents the future. Now let us suppose that someone has been alive for n years; then his/her old age is equal to y years old.

– the age (x) at any given moment is equal to the sum of the past and present ages

This can be proved by using calculus. Let us take a closer look at this equation:

dx/dt = (dy/dt + x) / y

As you can see, dx/dt is the rate of change in age with respect to time. so, this equation states that the rate of change in old age (y) is equal to the sum of the present and past rates of change in age (x).

Now, if we integrate this equation, we will get:

ln(old age) = ln(present old age) + ln(past old age)

In other words, the logarithm of old age is equal to the sum of logs for present and past ages. therefore, we can write:

ln(old age) = ln([x + y]/y)

where [x + y]/y represents old age.

now, if we take the exponential of both sides of this equation, we will get:

old age = [x + y] / e

as you can see, old age is equal to the sum of present old age and past old ages divided by e. so, it follows that:

old age = [x + y] / e

In other words, old age is equal to the sum of old age at present and old age in the past.

This proves that old age is a function of time (t) because old age increases with age. Also, note that old age increases with old ages in the past because old ages are added together.


As we have seen, there are several common math problems on age. Students encounter these as they progress through school. In this blog post, we’ve outlined the most common problem areas and shown how to solve them. We hope that you find this information helpful and that it will help you achieve success in your mathematics classes. Do you have any questions about these solutions or want more help with a specific problem? Leave us a comment below – we would be happy to assist!