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What were the conditions of India in Harsha?

According to the Harsha empire, the condition of India in that period was prosperous. The Harshavardhana dynasty is an important dynasty in India’s history.

Harsha empire history is considered as a concerning factor regarding the history of India. King Prabhakar Vardhana is considered an important king of the Pushyabhuti dynasty, also known as the Vardhana dynasty. After his death, elder son Rajya Vardhana and then younger son Harsha Vardhana became the king of the Harshavardhana dynasty. One of the most prominent and impactful emperors of ancient India can be named king Harshavardhana. An important role of king Harshavardhana can be mentioned as the establishment of a whole and large empire in northern India.            

Importance of religion in Harsha empire history

In the history of the Harsha Empire, religion is found to play a significant role. As per Indian history, the religious perspectives among the rulers of the Harshavardhana dynasty are found to be changed over time. 

  • According to Harsha empire history, the older ancestors of this dynasty were the worshipers of the Sun. 
  • King Harshavardhana is considered to be a devotee of Shiva and is considered a Shaivite. 
  • King Harshavardhana was addressed by his subjects as ‘Parama-maheshvara’ which means the supreme and the most devoted worshipper of Lord Shiva.
  • Consideration and support of king Harshavardhana regarding religious matters can be stated by mentioning a play ‘Nagananda’ that was written by the king himself. This play was also a tribute to Lord Shiva. 
  • As per Harsha empire history, the king is found not to force his own religious beliefs on the subjects of the empire.
  • In later times, the king converted to Buddhism and constructed several Buddhists Stupas and monasteries all over his empire in Northern India.               

Administration procedure of the Harshavardhana dynasty

One of the most important parts of the Harshavardhana dynasty can be mentioned as the administration procedure. 

  • This procedure of the Vardhana dynasty is considered similar to the administration procedure of the Gupta Empire. 
  • The Vardhana Empire is found not to contain any kind of slavery and to provide freedom to lead life according to the wish of the subjects.
  • The administration procedure of the Vardhana dynasty is found to be beneficial for the subjects. No heavy taxes were imposed upon the subjects during this dynasty.
  • As per the history of the Harsha empire, a diplomatic relationship was established between China and India during this dynasty. 
  • The paucity of the coins was an important consideration during the reign of Harshavardhana that presented a feudal nature of the economy of that dynasty.
  • The administration procedure of King Harshavardhana can be regarded as one of the earliest kingdoms that considered practices of feudalism.                  

Facts acquired from the biography of Harshavardhana

According to the biography of Harshavardhana, some facts can be identified as important. 

  • Many hospices were built by king Harshavardhana that were being used to provide shelters to religious travellers and poor citizens.   
  • Animal slaughter was totally banned by king Harshavardhana which can be mentioned as an important consideration of the Harshavardhana dynasty.    
  • Moksha, a religious assembly, was organized by the king. Once in every five years, this religious assembly was found to be held.
  • This particular religious festival used to be performed in front of a life-size gold statue of Buddha.   
  • An important and grand convocation was organized by the king in 643 C.E at Kannauj. Most of the emperors of that time were used to be present in that convocation from far and wide. A detailed description of this convocation was mentioned in the writing of Xuan Zang, a great Chinese traveller. 
  • As per the writing of Xuan Zang, being a Buddhist, the king not only gave importance to the Buddhist monks but also used to provide a great concern and importance to the scholars and monks of other religions.


Harsha empire history is found to present a piece of detailed information about the Harshavardhana dynasty. King Harshavardhana ascended to the throne at the very young age of 16 and succeeded in establishing a strong and prosperous empire. In terms of ensuring peace and prosperity in the country, king Harsha implemented different strategies that are found to be beneficial for the empire and future of India. Many scholars, artists are found to be attracted by the great administration procedure of this empire. Harshavardhana is regarded as one of the most successful and acknowledged emperors of the Pushyabhuti dynasty. It can be stated that the condition of India in the Harshavardhana dynasty was mentionable.


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