After the Delhi Sultanate, the Muslim leaders who ruled India and Pakistan in the 16th and 17th centuries were known as Mughal.

A large area with a Hindu majority was ruled by the Mughal for two centuries and they dominated the Hindu Rajput for ages in the Northern and Central parts of India. In this assignment, the significant importance of the Mughal period has been discussed. The Mughal ruled period has significance for the development of Indian art and culture with enough diversity. The blend of Persian and Urdu languages in India was actually contributed by the Empires of the Mughal kingdom. 

Brief about the Mughal empire

The Mughal Empire was established in 1526 by defeating the last Sultanate of Delhi named Ibrahim Lodi. The significance of the Mughal territory has signified the development of pan India’s cultural development also. The decisive battle fought between Babur and the Rajput army of Sanga resulted in the consolidated Empire building of the Mughal on the northern side of India. After this famous battle, the major part of the Mughal dynasty’s centre became Agra in Kabul. 

Discussion about the Kings of the Mughal Empire

The six signified Mughal rulers in Indian ancient history are following

  • Babur – the battle of Panipat in 1526 made Babur the King of Delhi by defeating the last Sultanate of the Lodi Empire. Babur spent most of his time in his youth acquiring the capital of the Timurid Empire.
  • Humayun– the elder of Babur lost the kingdom in front of Afghan soldier Sher Shah and got forcefully removed from Delhi. Fifteen years later, Humayun took advantage of conflict among Sher Shah’s beneficiaries to recapture Lahore, Agra, and Delhi.
  • Akbar -the elder son of Humayun named Akbar took back the empire of the Mughals and became the successor of Humayun. The extension of the Mughal Empire was done by Akbar by extending the areas of Punjab and Delhi. 
  • Jahangir- inherited a kingdom that was wealthy and stable with different art and culture.
  • Shah Jahan– extended the Empires of Mughal in the Deccan states and was the builder of one of the seven most beautiful structures in the globe named Taj Mahal at Agra.
  • Aurangzeb– the great administrator and leader in the Empire of Mughals also known as the murderer for killing his elder brothers and Shah Jahan.

Mughal literature

  • Persian was the official language used as the administrative part by the Mughal.
  • Urdu was introduced during the Mughal period to communicate with the people in India.
  • ‘Tuzuk-i-Baburi’, the autobiography written by Babur himself in the Turkic language.
  • Different regional languages such as Oriya, Rajasthani, Bengali, and Guajarati were developed in the Mughal period for communication.
  • The richness in the literature writing was practised by different Empires of Mughal to enrich the diversified language.
  • Persian writings were supplemented by translations of works from Sanskrit.

What are the achievements of the Mughal Empire?

The cultural component developed by the Mughal Empire helps in the development of Indian culture. During the period of the Mughal Empire, cultural diversity was established in pan India. Different art and architecture developed by the Mughal made India enriched with different forms of cultural advancement. Persian culture influenced the Mughal making different palaces, domes, forts made with red or white marbles. Some architecture developed by the Empires of Mughal was donated to the tourism industry in India till now. 

Architecture developed in the Mughal period

The indo-Islamic style of architecture was developed on the central and northern sides of India under the patronage of Mughal rulers from the 16th to the 18th century. It is a particularly balanced and ornamental culture of Persian and Turkish architecture. A mix of Hindu and Muslim cultures showcased in the developed arts and architecture made India in forming a secular country. Developed architectures by the Emperors such as the Taj Mahal, Jama Masjid, and Mughal garden have its own cultural benefits.

The reason behind the success of the Mughal Empire

Having great leaders with an administrative mind may include an advantage in the development of the Empire and extending the geographic location. Different leaders showcased their contributions to the development of the Mughal Empire. King Akbar made the significant and stable expansion of the Mughal Empire by applying different strategies to defeat the rural areas of Punjab. The approach proposed by Akbar made the illustration of getting desired support from the Rajputs. Treasures of Akbar were fulfilled by the Rajput due to fear and made the Mughal Empire rich and successful.


The importance of the Mughal period has witnessed diversification in pan India. The Mughal Empire was continued by the next generation by ruling in India and expansion of the Empire by applying different strategies to defeat the Hindu Rajputs. Defeating Rajputs by applying strategies and without war declares the success definition of Akbar. The history of the Mughal Empire has witnessed the most expensive geographical spread on the Southern side of India but could not win the empire of Chatrapati Shivaji.



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Why was the Mughal Empire important?

Ans: The Empire of Mughal was substantial for carrying almost the complete or pan Indian subcontinent beneath one en...Read full

How did the Mughal Empire expand?

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Ans: Near 1700, the Mughal Empire’s GDP increased to 24% of the global economy. Mughals were the most dominant pow...Read full

How did the Mughal Empire change Indian culture?

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