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The rulers of the Mughal Empire were great builders in India. The Indo-Persian architecture style became so famous in India developed by the Mughals.

In this assignment, the significance of art and architecture developed by the rulers of the Mughal Empire was discussed as a feature that has been donated by them to Indian culture. There are different importance of the cultural influence showcased by the Mughals and their architectural achievements in India from the 16th to the mid-18th century. Different foreign tourists often visit the areas of the Mughal Empire to witness the art and architecture developed by the Mughals. Hence, this architecture is still donating to the Indian economy and developing the emerging business of tourism in India.

Brief about Mughal architecture

The art and architecture developed by the Mughals established the Indo-Islamic culture and some were influenced by the culture of the Persians. Mughal emperors established different architectures primarily in the Northern and central parts of India. The ancient history of India supported the Mughal culture as the most diversified culture till it developed in India. The Mughals are famous in India not only for ruling in India but also for developing Indo-Islamic culture by developing different art and architecture. 

Discussion about Mughal art

Different features of the distinct cultures showcased in the art developed during the period of Mughals in India. The Mughal governor period is known for the development of art and architecture in the affluent empires of India. The architectural styles borrowed by the Mughals to include Persia and Hindu notions, so the architecture comprehended as the style of the Indo-Persian, that is become so popular. The Mughals built numerous forts, mausoleums, palaces, and others. They spread numerous beautiful forts and gardens as well. Different arts and architecture built in the Mughals period are still attractive to travellers in India. The symmetrical combination of the Turkish, Persian, Islamic culture in India has significance now for the development of Indian art. The region in India by the Mughals has the proof of art in developing different forts by the different emperors.

Art and architecture developed by Mughal

The following are the essence of architectures developed by the emperors of Mughals.

Taj Mahal

The ruler Shah Jahan was known for building Mughal architecture and pitched at Agra its most dignified and recognised structure in India called the Taj Mahal. The construction of the white marbles for the symmetrical developed building with the memory of the emperor’s wife. The Jamuna river with the beautiful garden and the semi precious materials made the rich beauty of the Taj Mahal.

Red Fort

One of the significant pieces of architecture developed in Delhi around 1683 is named the Red Fort that is developed by using red marbles. It is known as a sophisticated court developed in the Mughal period.

Mirak Mirza, Ghiyas built by Akbar around 1650 under the influence of Persian architecture. The Mughal emperor Akbar also developed the fort palace of Mughals placed at Agra. Jahangir developed Mansur and Manohar.

Key features of Mughal architecture

Some traits of Islamic architecture inherited from the regions of pre-Islamic architecture. Other arts have some encouraging factors of the diversified culture in the developed arts by Mughals. India is known for the architecture developed by the rulers that have come from outside and it included the diversified culture in India in different regional factors. Hence, the architecture made by the Delhi Sultanate of the rulers of India before the period of Mughals often attracts tourists.

Short note on the significance of the Mughal Architecture

All the major emperors in India developed different arts and contributed to Indian architecture development by the mixed or diversified style of art. Different forms of art developed by the Mughals are known as useful elements in India for developing the Indo-Islamic culture that results in a secular country. The Persian paintings developed by the Mughals have contributed to the development of art and music in India. 

The connection between the Mughal period and art

  • The Muslim dynasty with the rulers of Muslims and have the majority of Hindus created a diversified culture in India. 
  • The beautiful combination of the Indian and Turkish styles of architecture has the ability to create a diversified culture in India that has a special dignity in the development of the secular country. 
  • The Turkish and Persian influence in the architecture developed by the Mughals has beautified India. 
  • Conclusion

    Conclusively, distinct architectures developed by the Mughals have a significant meaning in creating diversified cultures in India. Some architecture has a specific garden layout that contributed significantly to Indian art as a complete construction of artistic skills. Also, different factors around the development of the Mughal garden and other architecture has special corners for tourism. Different mosques, forts, and palaces, developed by the Mughals have created more valuation in the Indian economy in terms of tourism and other sectors.


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