Railway Exam » Railway Exam Study Materials » History » BABUR’S ADVENT INTO INDIA


Babur was born under the name of Zahiruddin Muhammad Mirza and was the founder of the Mughal Empire.

Zahiruddin Muhammad Mirza or Babur was the descendant of the greatest warrior Turk-Mongol conqueror Timur. His father Umar Sheik Mirza was the leader of Uzbekistan, specifically the leader of the Ferangan valley. Babur got his name from the Persian word ‘Barb’ which means Tiger.

He was not only the greatest warrior but also had multiple skills in oratories and in addition, he had a passion for literature. Later, he passed on all his qualities to his descendants who also have done the greatest things that have enriched the history of India.      

Babur the founder of the Mughal Empire

Babur was not only the founder of the Mughal Empire but also the greatest warrior who is known for his war, literary skill as well. He was responsible for establishing a whole dynasty and for showing what politics means with the battles he has fought in his life. Mughals are part of the Turks and they are known for their war skills and strength.

Based on the historical information, Babur was also a great warrior who is responsible for presenting a great foundation in India. He was the descendant of Timur from his paternal side and the greatest warrior Ghengis Khan was from his maternal side. Being a blood-related descendant, he has proven his worth through his deeds. The growth of the Mughal dynasty has aided by the First Battle of Panipat, which was fought by this descendant of Timur.         

Journey of Mughal emperor Babur 

Babur was only 12 years old when he got the throne of Farengana as his father was the leader of Uzbekistan in the year 1495. This is the beginning of his journey, that is the way controversy begins, and so the richness of history took place. He left history and with his involvement, the growth of the Mughal Dynasty took place over time. The journey begins in 1495 but the growth took place in the year 1504 when he decided to take over Kabul which was the central part and considered the citadel of central Asia.

After then in 1524, Daulat Khan Lodi from the Lodi dynasty invited him to fight against the Rajput. At that time, the Rajputs were in power and the Lodi family wanted to invade North India. Because of the continuous pleas from Lodi, the descendant of Timur went to fight against Rana Sanga who was then on the throne of Mewar. Continuous attacks and horrifying attacks gave birth to the battle of Khanwa.

The commands of the founder of the Mughal empire the Mughal military fought well but did not get the chance to break the power of Rajputana. The presentation of strategic movement and advanced politics represents the capability of the emperor. Babur attacked Delhi at the time when the Lodi family became vulnerable because of internal quarrels.

The Mughal military fought with firearms that comprise gunpowders. After Lodi died on the battlefield with his troop of 20,000 military, the founder of the Mughal empire took 3 days to reach Delhi and the beginning of the Mughal dynasty took place and ruled for a long time before time changed and his descendants does not prove themselves all worthy.               

Know about the achievements of the founder   

The great deeds of this descendant of Timur have shown the impact of power and the ways this could be achieved. These factors can leave one with a jaw drop and the next generations have maintained this quality that leads history to something ideal. The subcontinent’s central India was ruled by him for a long time.

Even after winning the First battle of Panipat Babur was still clueless when it came to understanding the politics in Delhi and Punjab that time the Rajputanas were still on in major power. However, the scenarios changed over time and led to generated histories.         


The greatest deeds and remarkable actions of the descendant of Timur justify his name and all his deeds have enriched history with the greatest stories to carry forward. Babur is not only known for being the founder of the Mughal Empire, which is the greatest empire but also known for his skills, remarkable deeds, and emotions that are visible in his writings. This greatest warrior and the wild spirit surely have done something tremendous and so are his descendants. The strategic appearance in the warzone, tactics, politics, and decisions proves his capability that has supported the new beginning of an era. This invader has set the richness of history with the Timurid history, Mughal military enforcement, with Turk-Mongol society, the history of Genghis Khan, and so on.          


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