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Prehistoric periods of India

In India, the Paleolithic period is the earliest prehistoric period. The Old Stone Age is another name for it.

The Paleolithic Age is the oldest prehistoric period, and it is crucial for determining the appropriate sequence of cultural development throughout the world’s history. The paleolithic period lasted 2.5 million years, from 2.5 million years ago to 10,000 years ago.

From the emergence of Homo Sapiens to the discovery of various sharp tools, the Paleolithic period is a very important prehistoric period in India. It is one of the crucial periods that experienced the development of cultures as well as tools. 

The Paleolithic Age is divided into three major parts :

  • Lower Paleolithic Age
  • Middle Paleolithic age
  • Upper Paleolithic Age

In India, during the paleolithic period, people used basic hand tools that we made of stone and wood. In many archaeological sites, we can see evidence of the shift in the materials that were used to make different hunting tools. The Paleolithic men wore hunters and food gatherers that lived a Nomadic lifestyle.

Lower Paleolithic Period

Most river valleys and terraces were constructed during the Lower Paleolithic Period. The majority of stone tools were discovered along the river, therefore early man lived near the water supply. The earliest use of stones occurred during this time period.

This age was also known as Ice Age and mainly consisted of hunters and gatherers. People then lived a Nomadic lifestyle and were not aware of agriculture or home construction. This period witnessed the first stone tool fabrication, where splintered stones were also used for hunting and food gathering. 

The major sites where evidence of Lower Paleolithic age was found are:

  • Bori(Maharashtra)
  • Kashmir
  • Punjab
  • UP
  • Rajasthan
  • Belan Valley
  • Gujarat

Middle Paleolithic Period

The Middle Paleolithic Period was when the use of sharp tools such as flakes, blades, and pointers started taking place. People then learned how to make and use fire and lived in caves. The flakes made by the people were smaller, thinner, and also had a better-retouched sharpness. The Middle Paleolithic Age mainly consists of the early form of a man who lived in caves and used fire. 

The Middle Paleolithic Age is also known as the Mousterian, where the style of life practiced by the people was nomadic. The crude pebble industry and microliths were also noticed during the period. Along with this, the middle paleolithic period mainly consisted of the flake tradition where needles were used to sew body covering made of furs and skin. 

The major Middle Paleolithic sites in India are:

  • Belan Valley (UP)
  • Luni Valley (Rajasthan)
  • Bhimbetka
  • Sanghao
  • Potwar Plateau
  • Son and Narmada rivers

Upper Paleolithic Period

The Upper Paleolithic Period was the last phase of the Ice Age, and this is when the emergence of Homo Sapiens began. The Upper Paleolithic Period almost covers one-tenth of the whole Paleolithic Age.  

The tools used in the Upper Paleolithic Period replaced hand axes, and flake tools with specialized sharp tools made up of bone, teeth, and horns. Traces of Paleolithic art is also found in the Upper Paleolithic Period, and different types of tools such as gravers, end-scrapers, pointers, etc., are also found as evidence.

The Upper Paleolithic age was the last phase of the Old Stone Age, which gave rise to the upper paleolithic culture and is characterized by the emergence of Homo Sapiens.

Some of the major sites of the Upper Paleolithic Age found in India are:

  • Near Son river
  • Belan
  • Maharashtra
  • Odisha
  • Eastern Ghats
  • Karnataka
  • Southern Uttar Pradesh

Therefore, the Paleolithic Age witnessed a wide shift in tools as well as the livelihood of people.


The Paleolithic Age is one of the most crucial periods that traces the emergence of Homo Sapiens and the sudden change in climate from the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic Period. Traces of tools as well as caves have also been found that help in the dating of all the paleolithic ages properly.


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