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Non-literary sources of ancient history  

History is one of the best teachers of man, telling us so much about what we were and how far we have come. We would cover non-literary sources of history in this article and will explore each niche in brief.

A huge part of modern and ancient history both are accounted for through literary works of great minds and thinkers. Through reading and discovery of their writing, we discover so much about what has happened in the past and what we could learn from it. 

Modern history can be easily found in most libraries as their literary works have been well preserved. The real challenge comes in the shape of ancient history, so few ancient scriptures have been preserved properly.  

A Complete Overview

In ancient Greece and other countries such as Rome, there were specified historians who wrote about their people and their happenings. Ancient Indians on the other hand didn’t care much about history they instead wrote on many other subjects such as life and religion. Even though there are very few literary works of ancient times there are other proofs of ancient civilizations as non-literary sources of history. In the next section, we will cover the non-literary sources that are found through archaeology.  

  • Monuments and other archaeological remains: 

Through practising archaeology many explorers have found remains of housing structures, tools, and other proof that point towards ancient civilizations. Ancient Indian civilizations such as Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro are placed in a period in history which is known as the proto-historic phase. 

Through excavations at those sites, many archaeologists have found tools that ancient humans used in their daily life. Many examples of societal living can be seen in the form of pottery and food storage pitchers. Such boxes and pitchers were found to have decomposed cereals present in them which further proves that ancient humans consumed such plant-based nutrition. 

Ancient ruins and remains of various structures such as temples, castles, homes, forts, and palaces have proven the existence of many ancient human civilizations all across the globe. Such remains and monuments act as information for historians and archaeologists. Such buildings can tell us so much about how ancient humans lived and how they commuted.  

  • Inscriptions: 

Inscriptions can be found on rocks, hidden caves, monuments, broken remains of buildings, and even on temples. They act as historical facts of the existence of ancient human civilizations. 

Furthermore, they prove to us those ancient civilizations were familiar with the concept of language and writing. Epigraphy is the study of inscriptions and has helped many archaeologists and historians to keep a record of ancient civilizations. 

Such inscriptions can be found in most ancient civilizations and some of them even have inscriptions in a different language which means they are an account of foreign travellers. 

Inscriptions could be about devotion and praying, some of them could be about administrative orders to the general public. In order to understand prehistoric times, historians have to largely rely upon archaeology.  

  • Numismatics: 

Numismatics is the literary term for the study of coins. Coins are excellent sources of historic information. Even the most ancient civilizations are known to use coins in order to trade. Ancient coins were generally made up of gold, silver, copper, and bronze. 

Furthermore, coins could have symbols inscribed on them, such symbols could be personal or religious. Such symbols could educate us about the culture of ancient men and even religious traditions that they must have followed. All coins from the past have a unique story to tell.  

  • Account of foreign travellers:  

Foreign travellers explored a lot of strange lands in order to find new civilizations. The Chinese and the Romans were known to travel far across the lands to find new territories to conquer or establish trade with. 

Such travellers often wrote a detailed account of their findings and discoveries which when found told us so many things about ancient human civilizations. The Greeks have written valuable accounts about the Mauryan period in the country of India. 

Such accounts hold information such as economic activities and social culture. Account of foreign travellers has helped to provide definitive information about ancient men and their history.  


History requires one to be devoted to facts and proofs, which are the ultimate truth in the subject. Through the help of archaeology, many historians have found proof of the existence of many ancient human civilizations all across the globe. We have so much to learn from the men who came before us. 


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