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King Harshvardhana’s Empire

The Empire of Harsha – King Harshvardhana’s Empire is an important empire of the Vardhana dynasty. Vardhana dynasty is also known as the Pushyabhuti dynasty in history.

In the history of India, the Harsha ascension is regarded as one of the most important ascensions. The empire of king Harshavardhana is considered an important empire of the 7th century A.D. Facts about King Harshavardhana need to be identified for understanding the relevance of this king’s rule in the Pushyabhuti dynasty. According to Bana, the poet of the 7th-century, detailed information about this dynasty can be found in the writing of Harshacharita. 

Information of King Harshvardhana’s Empire

Empire of Harsha – King Harshvardhana’s Empire is to be analysed for acquiring important information about this empire. Some of the most important information can be mentioned as follows.

  • One of the most important facts about King Harshavardhana can be mentioned as the acquisition of Kannauj. Consideration of this acquisition resulted in uniting two different kingdoms, namely Kannauj and Thaneswar. 
  • The capital of the Harshavardhana Empire was moved to Kannauj which helps this empire produce prosperity and ensure peace. 
  • Gujarat’s king Vallabhi was defeated by King Harshavardhana. This fight ended up with a truce in which the Vallabhi king’s marriage was settled with the daughter of king Harsh.
  • King Harshavardhana’s plan was to conquer the whole land of the south. This plan was hampered in the time, in which king Harsha was defeated by Pulakesin II in 618-619 AD.
  • The Empire of Harsha – King Harshvardhana’s Empire consists of two different types of territories. Direct and feudatory territories can be mentioned as these two types of territories. The direct territories consist of Bengal, Gujrat, Rajputana, Central Provinces, and Kalinga. On the other hand, the feudatories of territories consist of Sindh, Jalandhar, Kashmir, Nepal, and Kamarupa.
  • The reign of king Harsha is considered the beginning of India’s feudalism.
  • King Harsha is considered to be a mentionable military conqueror and one of the most capable administrators. 
  • Banabhatta is found to be the court poet of the Empire of Harsha – King Harshvardhana’s Empire.
  • During the reign of Harsha, Hiuen Tsang had visited India. King Harsha’s justice and generosity were very much praised and acknowledged by Hiuen Tsang in his writing. 
  • One of the most important factors regarding the Harsha Empire can be mentioned as the strong and unique structure of the tax-collecting process. One-fourth percent of the whale collected tax was used to be considered for charity and also for cultural development.             

Importance of Harsha Ascension

Harsha Ascension can be considered important to understand the importance of the Vardhana dynasty in history. 

The founder of the Vardhana dynasty, Prabhakar Vardhana has two sons and a daughter, and the elder one was Rajyavardhana. After the death of the founder of this dynasty, king Rajyavardhan was ascended as the king of Thaneswar. In a fight with king Sasanka, Rajyavardha was killed and the younger son Harshavardhana was ascended to the throne of Thaneswar. The time of king Harshavardhana’s ascension can be mentioned as 606 A.D. King Harshavardhana’s vow to take revenge for his brother’s murder by Sasanka is an important part regarding Harsha Ascension.    

Important facts regarding King Harshavardhana

  • King Harshavardana was one of the most renowned and popular kings of the Pushyabhuti dynasty.
  • This king of the Vardhana dynasty, king Harshavardhana was born in 590 A.D. as the son of king Prabhakar Vardhana and Yasomati. 
  • Another name of the Pushyabhuti dynasty can be identified as the Vardhana dynasty.
  • This king is considered to be a Hindu and later King Harshavardana embraced Mahayana Buddhism.
  • In the writings of Buddhist and Chinese traveller, Xuanzang, the deeds of King Harshavardhana were praised.
  • Harshavardhana was the last ruler of this large empire. After this king’s empire, India was invaded by the Muslims.
  • King Harshavardana is found to generously support Nalanda University.   


Facts about King Harshavardhana are important to understand the role of this king in the reign of the Pushyabhuti dynasty. Harshavardhana was also known as king Harsha in the history of India. A large empire was established by this king in the whole northern India in the time 606 to 647 A.D. On the basis of the analysis and writing of Banabhatta, a detailed description of this dynasty can be acquired. The Empire of Harsha – King Harshvardhana’s Empire is important to be analysed to acquire a compact idea of the Vardhana or Pushyabhuti dynasty.


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