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Important sources for the Vardhana dynasty

Archaeological sources for the Vardhana dynasty are Harshacharita written by court poet Bana, travel accountants of Hiuen Tsang, dramas of Harsha including Ratnavali, Priyadarshika and Nagananda.

Vardhana dynasty was one of the prominent dynasties in India in the 7th century AD. During the emergence and rule of the Vardhana dynasty, the countrymen showed a great rise in the learning aspect, annexation of the north. The information on the work or the contribution provided by the Vardhana dynasty was mostly sourced from his book of Harshacharita. This book was written by his court pet naming, Bana. Some other most important sources of information that were retrieved from the dynasty were the Madhuban plate. 

Archaeological Sources on Vardhana dynasty

It can be inferred that the study gives a clear view of the archaeological sources that are used in the further learning of the Vardhana dynasty. On the contrary, it can be noted that all the archaeological sources on the Vardhana dynasty is resourced from the foreign traveller, inscriptions, seals and manuscripts and different books that the ruler wrote in the memoir of their rule. The book was written by a Chinese traveller who recently visited India during the Vardhana reign and documented the ruling mechanism and the function of the lives of the people under the rule of the king. 

The book is called “A record of Buddhist religion”. On the other half, the vital information of the Vardhana dynasty was found from different inscriptions like the Banskhera inscription, in which it talks about the worshipping of lord Shiva by the famous ruler of the Vardhana dynasty, Harsha. The Banskhera inscription is located in U.P within the district of Shahjahanpur. The archaeological sources recovered from the inscription gives out the copper plate of Harshavardhana in this area of U.P. 

There is evidence of the region and the culture of Harsha, the ruler of the Vardhana dynasty in the coin and the seal obtained from the excavation of the Vardhana dynasty. The two most important sources of the seals are Sonipat and Nalanda, among the seals, one is made of copper while the remains of clay. Aihole inscription is another important source that deals with learning about the Vardhana dynasty. 

“Arya Manjushri-Mula-Kalpa”

“Arya Manjushri-Mula-Kalpa” is a text of the kriya tantra class in the primitive time of history. This text of kriya tantra is affiliated with the Bodhisattva Manjusri. Through the analysis of the “Arya Manjushri-Mula-Kalpa ”, text it can be noticed of the violent, sexual and sensual rituals of tantric practice. In context to the study this text of “Arya Manjushri-Mula-Kalpa ” is termed as the primary or easiest source of Indian Buddhist tantra. 

Compositions of ruler Harsha: Discussion 

Harsha, the great ruler of the Vardhana dynasty was a poet himself and had a keen interest in the cultural aspect of life. He was also a greatly skilled calligraphist. Furthermore, he wrote a book on his reign in the Vardhana dynasty and different aspects that covers the mind process of the ruler and the kingdom at the period. The book named Harshacharita was written by the court poet of Harsha, Bana. Harsha the ruler composed more stuff that incorporates three Sanskrit writings namely:

  • Priyadarshika
  • Nagananda
  • Ratnavali 

All of the Sanskrit writing has great importance in the learning and contribution of the Vardhana dynasty. 

Significance of Vardhana dynasty in history 

There lies a great significance of the Vardhana dynasty in context to history learning and teaching. In context to the railway examination, different aspects cover the question of the history and Vardhan dynasty. It can be estimated around 2-3% of the questions rest assured from this specific topic of history. Thus, there is a vital importance of the Vardhana dynasty in history. 


In context to the study, it provides a glimpse of the archaeological sources of the collection of resources about the ancient and reputed dynasty of   India in the 7th A.D. It is relevant that the incidents and conditions that occurred during the initial periods of the Vardhana ruler can be recollected from the historical pamphlet, inscription, manuscript and books. The study focuses on the importance of the collection of some of the most important and reliable sources about the Vardhana dynasty, from the Sonipat plate, Bankkhera inscription. In regards to the study, it can be confirmed that the study pivots on the archaeological sources collection. Along with this, comes the composition of the Harsha, the dynasty.


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What do you mean by the archaeological resources in context to the collecting information on the Vardhana Dynasty?

Ans.The archaeological sources of the Vardhana dynasty can be noted from the Sonipat plate, Madhuban plate, B...Read full

What do you understand about the Arya Manjushri-Mula-Kalpa? What is the relation of this to the Vardhana dynasty?

Ans. “Arya Manjushri-Mula-Kalpa ” is one of the finest and earliest forms of text that describes the ...Read full

What is the importance of the Vardhana dynasty in regards to the railway examination?

Ans. The Vardhana dynasty plays a pivotal role in the history of its period. There is a clear depiction of th...Read full

What are the different compositions made by Harsha?

Ans. Some of the major compositions of Harsha, during the Vardhan reign, included Nagananda, Priyadarshika, R...Read full