Harsha’s Death

Harshavardhana, died in 647 AD at the age of around fifty-seven years after his prolonged rule in the Vardhana dynasty, for about 41 years.

The brave, prominent, and powerful ruler “Harsha, died in 647 AD”, and the entire Vardhana dynasty came to an end. The empire declined as the revenue of the Harshvardhana’s empire got divided into 4 parts. In context to this division in revenue, it can be stated that the first part of the revenue was spent on the eligible and well-known kings and the second part of revenue from Harsha’s empire was spent on famous scholars. On the other side, the third part of the empire’s revenue was spent on servants of the public and the fourth or the last part of the revenue was spent on all religious places or activities. 

Administration of Harshavardhana

In context to the administration of Harshavardhana, it can be stated that the revenue in his empire was divided into four parts, on religious activities, public servants, well-known kings, and eligible and famous scholars. Harsha died in 647 AD after his rule of 41 years.  Harsha was the last king of the Vardhana dynasty. Harsha died without any heir and after the king’s death, his empire disintegrated rapidly.   Harshavardhana was praised for his bravery and deeds by Xuan Zang, who was a Buddhist traveller from China. Harsha is always being considered one of the prominent kings of India of the seventh century AD as Harsha is famous not only as a king but also as a supreme Law maker, fountain of all justice, and chief executive.  

Harsha Died in 647 AD

Harsha died in 647 AD at the age of around fifty-seven years. Harsha was the last king of the Vardhana dynasty and was defeated by Pulakeshin II, a South Indian emperor of the Chalukya dynasty. The king got defeated in the “battle of Narmada ” while on an expedition of expanding his empire to the Southern peninsular portion of India.  Harsha died without any heir and after the king’s death, his empire disintegrated rapidly.  Kannauj was the capital of the Vardhan dynasty which was ruled in the seventh century and remained stabilized till “Harsha’s death in 647 AD”. 

Harsha’s Rule for 41 years

Harshvardhana’s policies and reforms were very generous and mainly aimed at enhancing the prosperity and peace of his subjects and followers in the Vardhana dynasty. After the death of Prabhakar Vardhana, father of Harsha, his elder brother Rajyavardhana became the king of the Vardhana dynasty. Rajya Vardhana died on the battlefield as he was defeated and killed by Shashanka. At the age of only 16 years, Harsha ascended to the throne and gradually became one of the prominent emperors of India. He united two kingdoms of “Kannauj and Thaneshwar ” and then shifted his capital to Kannauj. In the Vardhana dynasty, “Harsha ruled for 41 years”, and was praised by a Buddhist traveller, Hiuen Tsang, who came from China. After the visit of Hiuen Tsang, the caste system got entrenched in the “Harsha’s rule for 41 years” and there was the rise of different mixed and sub-castes in Indian society. As “Harsha died in 647 AD” the entire empire experienced a great fall. 

Harsha was the Last king

Harsha was the last king of the Vardhana dynasty and the young son of Prabhakar Vardhana. In 590 AD, the king was born in Thaneshwar, Haryana. At the age of only 16 years after the death of his elder brother Rajya Vardhana, he started exercising his power and Harsha ruled for 41 years. He also exercised his power over the followers of Dharma, before becoming the king of the Vardhana dynasty. 


Harshavardhana, being one of the prominent emperors of 7th century who successfully extended his empire from North India to Narmada River. After the death of this brave, prominent, and powerful king his empire got divided into four parts where the first part of the revenue was spent on the eligible and well-known kings and the second part was on famous scholars. Apart from that, the third part of the empire’s revenue was spent on servants of the public and the fourth or the last part was on all religious places or activities. After uniting the two main kingdoms of “Kannauj and Thaneshwar ” Harshavardhana, shifted his capital to Kannauj and it still remained glorious after Harsha died in 647 AD.


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Who is Harshavardhana?

Ans: “Harsha was the last king” of the Vardhana dynasty and was also well-known as Harsha. Prabhakar Vardhana was the father of Harshavardhana ...Read full

When did Harshavardhana die?

Ans: Harsha died in 647 AD, in the battle of Narmada, by Pulakeshin II, a Sout...Read full

What happened after “Harsha died in 647 AD”?

Ans: After “Harsha died in 647 AD”, his entire empire disintegrated rapidly. Northern India was further subdivid...Read full

Who defeated king Harshavardhana?

Ans: Pulakeshin II was a South Indian emperor of the Chalukya dynasty who defeated and killed the brave, prominent, ...Read full