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Facts about King Harshavardhana

In the year 590 A.D. King Harshavardhan was born. Harshavardhana was among India's most powerful monarchs in the seventh century. He belonged to the Pushyabhuti, also popularly known as the Vardhana dynasty.

Harsha was another name for King Harshavardhana. Harshavardhana was born in 590 AD. His father was Prabhakar Vardhana, the ruler of something like the Pushyabhuti or Vardhana Dynasty. Harshavardhana is regarded as among India’s most powerful monarchs during the seventh century. Kannauj was the capital. His policies and initiatives were always benevolent and designed to improve the stability and tranquillity of his citizens. He belonged to the Pushyabhuti, also popularly known as the Vardhana dynasty. He was indeed a Hindu who converted to Mahayana Buddhism later on. This page will discuss important information about king Harshavardhana.

Harshavardhana Era 

Kannuaj became Harshavardhana’s Empire’s capital. From 606 until 647 AD, he governed. His empire stretched across Punjab through northern Orissa and from the Himalayas towards the Narmada River’s shore. Harshavardhana was a member of the Pushyabhuti kingdom, formed by Naravardhana around the end of the fifth decade or even the start of the sixth century A.D. The Pushyabhuti kingdom thrived only under Thaneswar Prabhakara Vardhana (father of Harshavardhana), and he was awarded the name of Maharajadhiraja. In 606 A.D., Harshavardhana ascended to the throne. In 606 A.D., he superseded his elder brother Rajyavardhan in the kingdom. Harsha’s dominion stretched across Punjab through northern Orissa and the Himalayas towards the Narmada River’s bank.

Facts about King Harshavardhana

  1. King Prabhakara Vardhana of Sthaneshwar gave birth to Harshavardhana around 590 AD.
  2. He was a member of the Pushyabhuti, popularly known as the Vardhana dynasty.
  3. He was indeed a Hindu who converted to Mahayana Buddhism later on.
  4. Durgavati, his wife, was his wife.
  5. He has two boys and even a daughter. His daughter married the Vallabhi king, but his sons were assassinated by his government.
  6. Through his writings, Chinese Buddhist traveller Xuanzang commended King Harshavardhana’s achievements.

Ascension of Harsha

  1. Rajyavardhana, Prabhakara Vardhana’s oldest son, succeeded in the Thanesar kingdom after his father passed away.
  2. Rajyashri, Harsha’s sister, was wedded to Kannauj’s king Grahavarman. The Gauda king, Sasanka, assassinated Grahavarman and imprisoned Rajyashri. As a result, Rajyavardhana decided to confront Sasanka. However, Rajyavardhana was slain by Sasanka.
  3. In 606 AD, Harshavardhana, being 16 years old, ascended the Thanesar kingdom.
  4. He resolved to avenge his brother’s death and save his sister.
  5. For all of this, he allied with Kamarupa King Bhaskar Varman. Sasanka was attacked by Harsha and Bhaskaravarman. Sasanka eventually fled for Bengal, and Harsha ascended to the throne of Kannauj.

The Empire of King Harshavardhan

  1. Harshavardhan unified both kingdoms of Thanesar & Kannauj upon taking control of Kannauj.
  2. Harsha, after that, relocated his region’s capital from Thanesar to Kannauj.
  3. Following the collapse of the Gupta dynasty, North India was fragmented into numerous tiny empires.
  4. King Harshavardhan was able to bring the majority of the kingdoms under his control together.
  5. Following Sasanka’s death, he conquered the kingdoms of Bengal, Bihar, & Odisha.
  6. Harshavardhan overcame the Vallabhi King of Gujrat, and also the two agreed to a ceasefire by approving Harsha’s daughter’s wedding proposal to King Dhruva Bhatta.

Important Occasions About King Harshavardhan

  1. Harshavardhana was born in 590 AD
  2. Naravardhana founded the Vardhan dynasty at the end of the fifth to early sixth century A.D.
  3. Following his elder brother Rajyavardhana death in 606 A.D., Harshavardhan ascended to the kingdom at 16.
  4. Harsha saved his sister Rajyasri, who had been kidnapped by Sasanka after her husband Grahavarman was killed.
  5. In 631 A.D., Hiuen-Tsang visited Harsha’s court.
  6. Pulakesin II overthrew Harsha in 637 A.D.
  7. In 643 A.D., a great meeting was held in Kannauj for Hiuen-Tsang.
  8. Harsha passed away in the year 647 A.D.

India’s Feudalism

Feudalism was first implemented in India during King Harshavardhan (606-647 A.D.). Harshavardhan reigned across two distinct sorts of lands. The regions that have been immediately within Harsha’s authority fall into the first group. Territories that have been feudatories fall under the second category.

  • Kalinga, Gujrat, Bengal, Rajputana, and the Central Provinces are all part of Harsha’s direct domain.
  • Kashmir, Sind, Nepal, & Jalandhar are among the feudatory areas.

About King Harshavardhan’s Demise

After reigning for over 41 years, King Harshavardhan perished in 647 A.D. Harsha perished without the need for a real successor to the kingdom since both of his children were assassinated by the government. As a result, Arjuna, one of Harsha’s main ministers, ascended to the throne of his realm. However, the empire was besieged by the Tibetians in 648 A.D., and Arjuna was disabled and taken prisoner. As a result, King Harsha’s dominion crumbled.


The biggest emperor of the Vardhana empire was Harshavardhana. Around 606 CE, he ascended to the throne. His parents were Prabhakara Vardhana & Yashomati. Rajavardhana was his older brother, while Rajashri was his younger sister. “Shiladitya” was yet another name for him. His capital was Thaneshwar. Harshavardhana assaulted Shashanka of Gaudadesha/Gauda Kingdom and exacted retribution with the aid of Bhaskara Varma of Kamarupa. He had the total authority of Punjab’s Pancha Sindhus by 612 CE. He afterward vanquished Nepal’s king and accepted payments from him. By conquering North-Indian tribes, he cemented his dominance. He was given the title “Uttarapatha Swara” in honour of his exploits.


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