Railway Exam » Railway Exam Study Materials » History » DIFFERENCES BETWEEN BHAKTI AND SUFI MOVEMENTS


Bhakti movement and Sufism was the two most important religious considerations of Indian society. The main features of bhakti are relevant for understanding bhakti movements.

During the time of medieval India, various religious movements were found to emerge. One of the most important movements at that time can be mentioned as the Bhakti movement. This movement was often found to be a significant result of the theistic devotional trend. On the other hand, the practice of asceticism is integrally connected to the movement of Sufism. The importance of the bhakti movement and Sufism needs to be identified for acquiring relevant information regarding these movements. Overall development of the society, literature, and music was found to be positively impacted by the Sufi and bhakti movement.  

Relation of bhakti movement with Sufism

There is a significant connection between the bhakti movement and Sufism. Both of these religious movements are found to be from medieval times. In this regard, it can be said that the Sufi movement is an important socio-religious movement in India in the sixteenth century.

  • Both the Sufi and Bhakti movement was found to be dependent on the belief regarding equality. 
  • The feeling of religious tolerance and universal brotherhood needs to be mentioned also as an important relationship between these two movements.
  • These two movements were successful in establishing mutual respect and love within various sections of society. 
  • Another important relation can be mentioned as the usage of local languages by the Sufi and Bhakti saints to preach the teaching.  

Differences between the bhakti movement and Sufi movements

Bhakti movement 

Sufi movements

The Hindus were mainly targeted and influenced by this movement. 

The Muslim communities were influenced by this movement. 

This movement is considered an important reformation movement within Hinduism that had influenced the social revival of medieval India. 

This movement was considered an important Islamic denomination. 

A direct emotional and intellectual connection to the divine is one of the main concepts of this movement. 

This movement was found to emphasize austerity and simplicity. 

In order to worship God, the Bhakti saints were found to sing Bhajans.

Qawwalis, a significant form of music, especially used by the Muslims to inspire religious devotion were sung by the Sufi saints. 

Importance of the bhakti movement

A detailed analysis of the bhakti movement and Sufism can be considered required to identify some significant importance of the bhakti movement. 

  • In order to transform the character of Vedic Hinduism, the bhakti movement was found to be very important. 
  • The rituals of Vedic sacrifices were found to be reduced by the emerging Bhakti movement.
  • No kind of discrimination was found among devotees and this is the reason this movement is very important.
  • Criticizing casteism, using common language to spread the concept of equality were important attributes of this movement. 
  • Two of the most impactful bhakti saints are Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Kabir Das.  

Importance of the Sufi movement

Analysis of the bhakti movement and Sufism is necessary for understanding the relevance of the Sufi movement in society. 

  • The concept of brotherhood and equality was widely regarded as important and relevant by the Sufi movement.
  • Four important principles were relevant to maintaining a healthy and effective religious life.
  • The Sufis were considered the mystics, liberalism in Islam. 
  • Finding the truth of love and experiencing closeness with God is an important part of this movement’s concept.
  • Two of the most important Sufi saints are Moinuddin Chishti and Hasan of Basra. 

Main features of the bhakti movement

In terms of acquiring an answer to the question of what were the main features of bhakti, some significant factors need to be noted. 

  • One of the most important features of the Bhakti movements is the concept of God as one single entity.
  • A sole thanks to salvation and intense devotion and love is another important feature of the Bhakti movement. 
  • Self-Surrender to the almighty, God needs to be mentioned as important.
  • Condemnation of blind faith in different religious rituals and ceremonies is relevant in this regard. 


Understanding of the bhakti movement and Sufism is important to identify the significance of these movements within Indian society. The bhakti movement was mainly the movement of the seventh and eighth centuries. The Sufi movement was the movement of the tenth and eleventh centuries. In terms of mentioning the most important impacts of the Bhakti movement, less consideration of discrimination and effective rejection of the caste system need to be pointed out as significant one. 


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