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Chauhans Of Delhi And Ajmer

The Chauhans were a strong clan in the state of Rajasthan, known for their power and bravery. This article encompasses all the information and history of the Chauhans.

The Chauhans were the feudal lords of Gurjara-Pratiharas, who helped Nagabhata I conquer the borders during the Rajasthan War and protect them from Arab invasion. The Chauhans are believed to be part of Agnivanshi Clan (relatives of the Fire God). The Chauhan Dynasty had a noticeable influence on the Indian political stage. Prithviraj Chauhan was a Rajput lord who governed the kingdom of Delhi and Ajmer in northern India in the twelfth century; he was one of the last free Hindu rulers to sit upon the throne of Delhi.

What is The Chauhan Dynasty?

The word Chauhan is a folk structure that adopts the Sanskrit term chahamana. The Chauhan Dynasty played an essential role in the Indian political era. The Chauhans acted as feudal lords of the Pratihars and remained with them during the Arab invasion. In the eleventh century, they ruled the Shakambari area. Ajaipal Chauhan built the Chauhan line. He founded the city of Ajmer in the seventh century. Chahamanas of Shakambhari, called the Chauhans of Sambhar or Chauhans of Ajmer, was a tradition that dominated parts of present-day Rajasthan and adjacent areas of India between the sixth and twelfth centuries. The area they controlled was known as Sapadalaksha. Prithviraj Chauhan also known as Prithviraj iii, the most famous Rajput ruler who ever lived. He became the most famous ruler of the Chauhan dynasty. He dominated today’s Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh and parts of Punjab. Although Ajmer is taken into consideration as his capital, many legends describe him as the king of India’s political centre in Delhi.

Who was the founder of the Chauhan Dynasty?

As referenced in bijolia inscriptions, Vasudeva Chauhan was the founder of the Chauhan dynasty in 551 AD .He was, in a few ways, related with the Salt Lake of Sambhar. Ajayaraja changed into the tremendous leader of Chauhan dynasty. He laid out the metropolis of Ajmer, which turned into, to begin with, known as Ajay Meru in 1113 AD. He made it the capital of his realm. Ajai Chauhan’s toddler, Arno Raja, assumed control over the privileged position in 1133 AD. After him, Vigraha raja arose as a sturdy ruler within the Chauhan management. He was well known between 1153 AD and 1163 AD. Wherein he elevated the limits of the area using conquering several nearby locales. Vasudeva (551 AD): The first ruler of the Sapadalaksha lineage mentioned in our records is Vasudeva. It was somehow connected to the salt lake of Sambhar. According to the mythical account of the fourth canto of Prithviraj Vijay, he received the gift of the salt lake of Sambhar from a Vidyadhara: with whom he had befriended.  In the inscription of Bijolia, the lake would come from him. The genealogy of  Prabandhakosa places him in V.608 or 551 AD by. As the number of generations which separates him however from Vigraharaja II (V.1030), the first sovereign of Sambhar with a precise date,  it is not easy to establish whether the V.608 date  for Vasudeva’s reign is accurate.Dr. Bhandarkar, based on the  coin of Vasudeva Bahman, which he identified  with this ruler (Vasudeva Chahamana), would place it in V.627 A. This view is untenable has been shown above. Dasharatha Sharma refers to Prithviraj Vijaya and writes that the description here shows that Vasudeva spent the night in the Shakambari temple. Early in the morning, he departed from there for his capital, which he reached shortly after dawn. So, of course, Vasudeva’s capital could not be a hard day’s journey from Sambhar, at least according to Prithviraj Vijay.

How did the Chauhan Dynasty end?

Vigraharaja’s successors: After Vigraharaja, two rulers Prithviraj II and Somesvara sat on the throne of the Chauhan dynasty. They had an uneventful reign. Someshvara was succeeded by his famous son Prithviraj III. Prithviraj Chauhan III (1168-1192 BC): Prithviraj Chauhan is one of the most famous Hindu kings of Ajmer and Delhi. His birth took place in 1149. The Chauhan dynasty had a long history of rivalry with the Chalukyas of Gujarat. However, Prithviraj chose the policy of neutrality in the war between the King of Gujarat and Mohammed Ghori. He supported neither  the Kingdom of Gujarat  nor Mohammed Ghori. The King of Gujarat inflicted  defeat on Mohammed Ghori. Meanwhile, he continued  his policy of conquest and enlargement of his empire. He conjointly fought with the Chalukyan king and got some success. In 1191 the First Battle of Tarain was fought between Prithviraj Chauhan and Mohammed Ghori, in which Mohammed Ghori was completely defeated. But he reappeared and the second battle of Tarain took place. Later Prithviraj was defeated and captured. The Chauhana dynasty after Prithviraj Chauhan: Prithviraj rests upon his war with Muhammad of Ghur. Mohammed Ghori observed his victory through the conquest of Ajmer and Delhi. He positioned the younger son of Prithviraj as his vassal in Ajmer. But  Later Hariraja, the brother of Prithviraj captured it. The Chauhan dynasty then retired to Ranthambore and dominated there in diminishing glory. But in 1301, Ala-ud-din Khilji captured Ranthambore and uprooted the closing stronghold of Chauhan power.


The Chauhans had been historically a powerful and brave  foundation  in the area now known  as rajasthan. The Chauhans lost their safe, time and officers in the battle, and their kingdom after the battle were short of one small step at a time, making the Chauhan dynasty decline but still, they have proven their power and bravery. So now we know almost everything about the Chauhan dynasty. And in the given article you can find all the essential information about the chauhan dynasty.

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Who was Prithviraj Chauhan?

Answer. Prithviraj Chauhan is one of the most recollected Hindu Kings of Ajmer. ...Read full

Why is The Chauhan Dynasty famous?

Answer. The Chauhans were generally a strong gathering in the locale known as Rajasthan, and Chauhans were known for...Read full

Who was the founder of The Chauhan Dynasty?

Answer. The first ruler of the Sapadalaksha lineage mentioned in our records is Vasudeva. It was somehow connected t...Read full

When did The Chauhan Dynasty establish?

Answer. The Chauhan Dynasty was established in 551 AD by Vasudeva Chauhan. The first ruler of the Sapadalaksha linea...Read full