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People from the Harappan civilization created seals, jewellery and sculpture from different types of material. Agricultural technologies were symbolized as weather forecasting, and automating irrigation.

Harappan civilization was considered to be the most ancient and prestigious civilization in the entire world, it was symbolized as the hub of the cultural and architectural hub of the nation. In the Harappan civilization, people created different types of jewellery, sculpture and seals with multiple types of material substances. In Harappan civilization, people were obligated about the concept of making certain things from clay and mud. The workers of the Harappan city used to make different types of glasses, pots and plates with mud. Agricultural technologies indicated that the traders from the Harappan civilization were introduced to some new active tools, which was initially called a plough.    

Agricultural technologies: Overview

Harappan civilization, agricultural technologies related to Plough were initially used to dig in the earth crust for turning the wet soil and planting the seeds to invent the technique properly. It is considered one of the unique inventions of the agricultural trade of the Harappan civilization. This specifically mentioned method is primarily used during irrigation, which was considered to be used for fewer amounts of rainfall. Harappan civilization was considered to be one of the oldest civilizations on the entire globe. This above-mentioned civilization was also initially called the Indus valley civilization. 

Agricultural trade was basically conducted through the river surrounding the area, in the fertile land, people were cultivated multiple types of crops, that includes Melon seeds, Wheat, Masters and dates. Those above mentioned cultivated agricultural products were traded internationally to conduct more profit. The people from the Harappan civilization, primarily grew barley, peas, rice, pulses, mustard and linseeds and exported those agricultural products to the foreign country as foreign trade produces.    The Harappan civilization was initially stretched from the different types of monogamy district that includes former Punjab and the northern side of Madhavan city. The modern civilization of Harappa is spread from the northern part of Punjab to different types of Asian regions that initially include Pakistan, northern Afghanistan, Iran and China. People from the Harappan civilization initially used different types of agricultural technologies to initiate their business in a more progressive way. The business procedure was mainly conducted through the seaport that can primarily initiate that, the trade market and agricultural business were not only spread across the nation, thus it was derivatively spread across different foreign countries.                

Domestic Architecture

In Harappan civilization, people were obligated about the concept of making certain things from clay and mud. Harappan civilization is symbolized as the culture of the Bronze Age, which lasted from “33000 BCE to 13000 BCE”. The workers of the Harappan city used to make different types of glasses, pots and plates with mud. Harappa’s architectural creativity was seen through different types of residential buildings.    In the Harappan civilization, domestic architecture took an important part in the basis of Harappan civilization.    

Houses are initially made with bricks, and also primarily contain different types of expensive doors and windows and doors. However, each of the houses in Harappan city primarily had a kitchen, staircase, bathroom and courtyard for their own personal use. Apart from that, the houses are initially containing expensive drains of outlet for wastage of water in the town. The above-mentioned drains are initially made up of concrete and bricks. In the Harappan civilization, each house, which is situated in the city had its own bathroom, however, the people of Harappan civilization were very concerned about their own privacy and hygiene deterioration. The total architectural plan of the Harappan civilization was symbolized as well structured and well planned.                 

Subsistence Strategies

  • The people from the Harappan civilization first used multi coping strategies for growing different types of foods in both the summer and winter seasons. In summer, rice, beans and millet were primarily produced. In addition, in winter barley, wheat and different types of pulses were indicated. 
  • In the Harappan civilization, the irrigation system includes artificial reservoirs and early-based canal systems.        


In the Harappan civilization, people created different types of jewellery, sculpture and seals with multiple types of material substances. Hence, it is primarily concluded that the Harappan civilization was considered one of the oldest civilizations of the entire globe. This above-mentioned civilization was also initially called the Indus valley civilization. The people from the Harappan civilization, primarily grew barley, peas, rice, pulses, mustard and linseeds and exported those agricultural products to the foreign country as foreign trade produces. In Harappan civilization, the houses are initially made up of brick and concrete. The people from the specifically mentioned civilization were totally taken care of by their hygienist and privacy.


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