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The Small Asian Country of Singapore

Singapore is an island that is a sovereign city-state in Southeast Asia. Singapore is composed of one main island along with 63 other smaller satellite islands. It is a unitary parliamentary republic.

The word Singapore comes from the native Malay name of the country ‘Singapura’. This means Lion City. The symbol of a lion represents the city of Singapore. If we go back to the 14th century, Singapore was then known as Temasek and was a trading port that was ruled by the Siamese kingdoms and the Majapahit empire. It is well documented that the place was very well organized, well administrated, and had very good political integrity. In 1819, the British come to this place and after many events, the British were granted permission of establishing a trading port in Singapore after a treaty was signed later that year. Slowly, the entire island soon became under the rule of the British who colonized it. Labors were brought in and the island was transformed into a rubber sorting center that was globally recognized at that time. export activities also increased due to the influence of the port facilities. Singapore suffered a lot in that time. After much political tension, debate, and Malaysia expelling Singapore, the Republic of Singapore was formed on August 9, 1965. Lee Kuan Yew was the prime minister and Yosof bin Ishak was named the first president. Since then, the country has grown a lot and the economy has developed immensely.  

Climate and Geography

Climate- Singapore experiences a tropical rainforest type of climate which is characterized by uniform temperature all year, plenty of rainfall, and high humidity. The average temperature in the country ranges from 23 to 32˚C and the monsoon is typically experienced between November and February. There are no distinctive seasons experienced in Singapore. Because of the temperature and humidity, there is always a stickiness in the air all around the year.

Geography- Located between Indonesia and Malaysia at the tail end of the Malayan Peninsula, Singapore is an extremely urbanized island city-state in Southeast Asia with an area of 724.2 square kilometers. The Singapore Strait is responsible for separating Singapore from Indonesia. The main island is a roughly shaped diamond and Bukit Timah Hill is recognized as the highest point of the city-state (165 m above sea level). Singapore has a lot of reservoirs and water catchment areas that are constructed to fulfill the purpose of supplying fresh water for drinking purposes. There are no natural lakes on the island of Singapore. Initially, the island had recaptured some land but due to global climate change, the coastal areas of the island are at risk of again getting submerged under the seawater. 

Culture and Economy

Culture- Singapore has changed a lot over the last 100 years. It has captured the nicknames ‘Gateway to Asia’, ‘East meets West, ‘Garden City’, etc. the island city-state’s culture is highly influenced by Malay, South Sian, European and Eurasian cultures and traditions. They have a very distinct cuisine, taste in music, dance, and the festivals are celebrated with light. The multi-cultural nature of Singapore attracts a lot of tourists from all over the world is currently, it is quite peaceful. Singapore’s attraction is more in the city than natural spots as the cities are one of the most spectacular, decorated, and modern cities in the world today. People are hardworking and have a knack for technology and thrive for excellence. Buddhism remains the main religion in Singapore followed by Christianity, Islam, Taoism, and Hinduism as well. 

Economy- Singapore is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world and with each passing year, Singapore is making great progress. The standard of living of the locals is getting higher and higher and the GDP is excellent. The GDP was 390 billion USD at the end of 2021. The main industries of Singapore are Electronics, ship repair, telecommunications, chemical industries, petroleum refining, re-exportation, life sciences, and oil-drilling equipment manufacture. 


After suffering a lot in the two world wars, Singapore today, has become a global center for business, technology, and export. It has transformed into one of the most powerful and well-developed regions of Asia and the world.


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