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The Indian tribes in the Amazon basin

This article would mainly focus on enlighting various Indian tribes in the Amazon basin. The descriptive would also let us know about the largest tribe in India and the Gonds tribes of India. It shall also provide us with a clear knowledge of which is the largest tribe in India.

The tribals are termed the indigenous people of the land. They stay away from the mainland,  follow a unique culture and also prefer being not exposed to or disturbed by individuals from the mainland. The are various tribal groups across the world and particularly the amazon basin has been a specific location of the various tribal groups including some tribes of India. The history of the largest tribe in India ranges long back and getting a clear view of tribal groups such as some Andaman-Nicobar island inhabited tribal groups,  Gonds tribes of India, etc., can lead us to understand the concentration of the Indian tribes in the Amazon basin. The clarified understanding can also be brought out by understanding which is the largest tribe in India.

The largest tribe in India

The history of tribal groups along with the Indian subcontinent can be termed as unique and significant. The vivid tribal communities have been a long term associated with the flour and fauna of the Indian subcontinent. There are various tribal groups present in India but among them knowing which is the largest tribe in India might be a fascinating topic. There are various tribes in India are Gonds,  Santhals, Bhil, Bhutia, Chenchus, etc. Among them, Gonds are the largest tribe in India according to the 2021 census. The Gond tribes of India are also some of the oldest indigenous tribal communities in the subcontinent. The uniqueness and speciality in culture along with their increasing population provides them with the reason for being called the largest tribe in India.

Gond tribes of India

The Gonds are considered one of the oldest and most populous tribes found around Madhya Pradesh. The population of this tribal community is enumerated to be exceeding 12 million. Linguistically the Gonds tribes of India are considered to be a part of the South Centralised segment of the  Dravidian dialect community. They are also part of the Gondi-Monda subsection of tribes. The Gonds due to their continuous adaptation to the according to encompassing time have made them one of the largest tribes in India.

Indian tribes in the Amazon basin

The amazon basin is an enriching part of the great Amazonian tropical rainforest. People have always been a significant constituent part of the rich biodiversity of the Amazon. It is always been an ancestral home to native Indians for a long time. The amazon basin is home to more than 400 tribe cultures and communities living in the forest. Among the various tribes there,  The Indians of Raposa–Serra do Sol might be considered to be the largest tribe in India based culture. They live near the river basin, depend on rich soil for cultivating foods,  fruits and are also mostly agriculture-based. These tribes may have quite similar to the tribes like Gond tribes in India’s present subcontinent and others. The Indian tribes present in the basin also live as nomads deep inside the forest and are skilled hunters who use self-made bows and arrows for hunting. Although there may be many ancestral connections between Indian subcontinent tribes and Amazon based Indian tribes but the present variation may not be quite comparable. The question of which is the largest tribe in India may also not be quite easy to answer when it comes to the Amazon basin as they contain large populations of contacted and uncontacted tribal populations.


The article has tried to display the tribes of the Indian subcontinent and some of the Indian culture based tribes living in the Amazon basin. The article also provides information regarding what is the largest tribe in India and what makes Gonds the largest tribe in India. The article also provides a piece of brief information on the Gonds tribes of India and their lifestyle.


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