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the Indian Subcontinent as per Capitals & Currency

A subcontinent is one portion of a continent geographically and physically detached from the Asian continent. The regions of the Indian Subcontinent have strong political and cultural relations. It can also be a province in terms of geography, as it is a different geographical area from the Asian continent. It’s worth noting that the terms central and southern, Southeast Asia, and Southeast Asia are sometimes interchanged. When employed in a global context, all three idioms refer to a particular area of the globe.

What Is the Geography of the Indian Subcontinent regarding Capitals and Currency?

Geographically, the Indian Subcontinent comprises modern-day India’s southeastern area, southeast of the Himalayas, on the Asian continental plate, which would be different from the majority of Asia. Nevertheless, south China and western Indonesia areas that are not accepted as part of northern India are included in the continental plate. Consequently, the geographical description of the parts of India is somewhat arbitrary. On the other hand, the sector in India is not primarily defined by its physical position.

Note that politics, religion, and geography all contribute to the definition of the Indian Subcontinent. Most of the other current Indian Subcontinent republics, for instance, were formerly British possessions. This includes the current states of India, Afghanistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives. Let’s talk about the provinces and currencies of the Subcontinent.


  • The borderline is 3488 kilometers long.
  • Mandarin is the official language.
  • Currency-The Chinese Yuan
  • Provinces and States: There are 26 provinces.

China, the largest and most influential country, covers an area of 95,96,960 square kilometers. The region has one of the fastest-growing countries in the world. Although India and China have friendly ties, several disagreements cause regional tensions.


  • The borderline is 3323 kilometers long.
  • Urdu is the official language.
  • The Pakistani Rupee is the country’s currency.
  • States or Provinces: There are four regions.

Pakistan was formed by separating a country that was formerly a part of India. This nation includes parts of 7,964,095 square kilometers. The Head of State is the nation’s president, and he is in charge of all critical decisions.


  • The border width is 106 kilometers.
  • Language- Dari and Pashto
  • Currency- The Afghani
  • Provinces and States: There are 34 provinces.

Afghanistan is a country in Central Asia with a total area of 6,523,230 square kilometers. Agriculture is a significant source of revenue for this country’s economy. Afghanistan’s predominant religion would be Islam, and the country’s main economic activity would include the production of raw cotton, woven rugs, artisans, and welly boots.


  • The borderline is 4096.7 kilometers long.
  • Bengali is the official language.
  • The Bangladeshi taka is the national currency of Bangladesh.
  • Provinces and States: There are eight countries.

India and Bangladesh share one of the world’s most extensive frontiers, with a total area of 1,43,998 square kilometers and a shoreline of 580 kilometers. Rajshahi, Chittagong, Bazar, Khulna, Rangpur, and Sylhet are Bangladesh states bordering India.

Sri Lanka 

  • Sea Border- A maximum length of 268 miles (432 kilometers) and a maximum width of 139 miles are the maximum dimensions (224 km)
  • Languages-Sinhala and Tamil.
  • Currency- The Sri Lankan Rupee

Sri Lanka would be one of two individuals who share the Indian shoreline, with a total size of 65,611 square km. Many people see it as a heritage site, and it is also one of those areas that are home to a diverse range of cultural nationalities and different religions.


  • The total border length is 699 kilometers.
  • Dzongkha is the official language.
  • The Bhutanese Ngultrum is the national currency of Bhutan.
  • States and provinces: There are 20 states and regions in Asia.

The inhabitants of this nation, which includes parts of 38,393 square km, practice Buddhism, preceded by Hinduism. Bhutan has a bicameral legislature, and hydropower, farming, forestry, and ecotourism are the country’s primary economic sources.


  • There are 1643 kilometers of borderline.
  • Burmese is the dominant language.
  • Currency- The Burmese Kyat 

Myanmar is a country in mainland South Asia that covers a total area of 6,765,578 square kilometers. The government is run by a parliamentary system under the constitutional monarch. Myanmar’s fourth-largest international market for India.


  • There are 1751 kilometers of borderline.
  • Nepali is the official language.
  • Currency- The Nepalese Rupee 
  • Provinces and States: There are seven provinces in Asia.

Nepal is a country in the northern part of India with a land area of 1,471,181 square kilometers. Nepal is home to Mt. Everest, the globe’s highest mountain. Nepal is even home to eight of the planet’s  highest mountain ranges. The tourism industry accounts for a significant portion of the industry, and the administration is a constitutional republic.


  • Maritime Border Line- 90,000 square kilometers
  • Dhivehi is the dominant language.
  • Rufiyaa (Maldivian currency)
  • There is only one state or province.

The island country of Maldives is situated towards the southwest of Karnataka in the significant sea region. The Maldives comprises over a thousand coral atolls and covers only 298 square kilometers. 


India sits in the southern portion of Asia, with a land boundary of 15,106.7 kilometers and a 7,516.6-kilometer coastline. The peninsula’s shoreline, Andaman Islands, and Lakshadweep coastal areas are 7,516.6 kilometers long. It is placed diagonally on the American Continent and latitudinally in the higher latitudes. India is the planet’s seventh-largest continent in terms of land area. India is the world’s second-fastest-populating country.


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