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The Great Plains of Ganga and Indus

The plain of Ganga and Indus is the extended area of great floodplain situated all across the Indus Brahmaputra and Ganga River.

The plane of Ganga and Indus is addressed as the great plain for its extended features.  It has been identified that It is a part of the totality of the foreland basin of the Himalayas. Foreland is distributed by three rivers that have made this extended area compact with its plain. These three rivers are Ganga, Indus and Brahmaputra. This all-together area has been provided by the large system of three rivers alongside the floodplains. 

The plain of Ganga and Indus

The Indo-Gangetic plain is extended by 700 thousand km per acre that is why the name has come off as the great plain in terms of the north Indian River plain. This area is confined to a fertile plain also the northern region encompassing the Indian subcontinent along with most of eastern and northern India. In addition, its geographical structure has been observed as surrounded by half of Pakistan and Bangladesh as per its virtual density along with the southern side of Nepal. 

Ganga Brahmaputra plain of India is an overpopulated region 

Over time, it has been identified that the Ganga Brahmaputra plain of India is an overpopulated region. The reason has been gradually optimized that significantly the main feature of displaying is comprehended by the agricultural activities. Therefore, areas mostly gathered by people from agricultural professions are in abundance supported by the area. It is not mountainous; rather it is provided by part and soil along with a plane that is the terrain.  Therefore, the Ganga Brahmaputra plain of India may be an overpopulated region. 

Bar of upper Ganga 

The bar of the upper Ganga plain of India is highlighted as an elevated fraction of land that is situated alongside the riverbanks of the doab of the upper Ganga and Yamuna. The extended region has been identified as Khadar plains that have been mostly used by the locals. Features of this area are enriched with alluvial soil that has been deposited alongside the river banks.  However, in totality, the area is confined to clay, sand as well as a slit. Hence, the bar of upper Ganga plains of India is extended to 263,100 km per square. 

Ganga and Indus plain location 

The entire foothill of Ganga and Indus is specifically located in the Himalayan foothills alongside its extended mountains. To be more precise it runs parallel with the mountains of the Himalayas starting from the range of Jammu and Kashmir alongside Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It is draining all across the Western side of Assam covering most of eastern and northern India. 

Importance of Ganga Brahmaputra plain

Besides the significance that suggests that the Ganga Brahmaputra plain of India is an overpopulated region, it has certain other aspects that have put a major light on its importance. This largest density of the area is mostly comprehended as having one of the best fertile lands that a subcontinent can have. Additionally, it is mostly influenced by both mountains as well as the plain. However, it is flowing all through the states of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, and West Bengal. 

Features of Ganga Brahmaputra plain

Ganga Brahmaputra plain has been identified to have certain features that have made it classified and other plains of India. 

  • It is composed of a fertile belt that has been mostly included in the northern and eastern sides of India. 

  • The soil of this particular plane is enriched with the source of alluvial. Therefore, the encompassed area is confined with an identified to be in several numbers situated all across the plain. 

  • It is surrounded by the northern mountains of Himalaya alongside its foothills. In addition to that, on the eastern side, is framed by the Sundarbans delta. 


The overall discussion has been provided with the addressing features of the greatest plain of Ganga and Indus. While exploring it, it has been identified that the totality of this basin is confined by three rivers Ganga and Indus, and the Brahmaputra. Certain essential aspects have made this area to be more significant as compared to the other comprehension of river banks and the footprint of India. Hence, an explanation has been made that the Ganga Brahmaputra plain of India is an overpopulated region. In addition to that, the bhur of upper Ganga plain of India is mentioned and justified to the context.


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What is the bar of the upper Ganga plain of India?

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