Railway Exam » Railway Exam Study Materials » Geography » The Gobi Mongols from Gobi

The Gobi Mongols from Gobi

Mongolia has a population of around 33 lakh people in which The Gobi Mongolian tribe is a nomadic variety. Around 30 –40% of the population belongs to the nomadic community here.

The Gobi Desert situated mainly in the country Mongolia and also in some parts of China, is one of the biggest deserts in the world and the largest in east Asia. The people in Mongolia consist of more than 20 tribes residing here happily. Tribes like Khalkha, Buryat, Kazakhs, Uyghurs are some of the well-known tribes here. The climate of this region is cold and dry and enjoys a very short span of summers. The atmospheric pressure is high in the region. Mongolia is often denoted as the – ‘Land of the blue sky’ because of having clean skies for more than two-third days in a year. 

The Gobi Mongols

Mongolia has a population of around 33 lakh people in which The Gobi Mongolian tribe is a nomadic variety. Around 30 –40% of the population belongs to the nomadic community here. They keep wandering from place to place. 80% of the people in Mongolia belong to the Khalkha tribe. The famous ancestor of Babur, Genghis Khan belonged to this community. Due to their large population in the region, Halh, spoken by the Khalkha community, is used as the official dialect in Mongolian language. The next important group of Gobi Mongols is Buryat. The meaning of ‘Buryat’ is wolf-father which got its name due to the blue outfit of Buryat people.

The dressing style of Gobi Mongols always includes a beautiful hat which is adorned very precisely for different ages of people. Another important dress her is called ‘Deel’ which a manufactured by one-piece of clothing. It is made differently for different season. Woolen Deel for winters and some light Deel for summers. As the culture is husbandry is prevalent here, Gobi Mongols tribe also use horse when needed. Such clothes make them feel comfortable according to their climate. 

The difficult terrain of Gobi and Mongolia requires Gobi Mongolians to wear high boots which is essential for the area where horses are being used. Mongolian women usually wear long dresses like gowns. Along with it, there is a boat shaped cap like structure on their heads which has some elevated stuff in the middle.

The main food items include meat, milk. They don’t eat very spicy food; Gobi Mongols make it simple in taste. They offer cheese and sugar candies to their guests. Gobi Mongols usually have a fair number of livestock which gives them food, milk and wool to make clothes. Very less vegetation in the area, makes agricultural activities less dominant in the region. Mongolia has many precious metals as well as minerals. The mining of minerals also attracts Gobi Mongols tribe people to work as laborers here.

The castes system is followed in the tribal groups but not very harshly. Men in the tribal group basically do the hunting or take care of animals whereas women are limited to their household works and sometimes taking care of animals also. Mongolian tribes used to follow a distinct religion called Shamanism. They used to worship spirits. For some decades, Confucianism enhanced its effect on Gobi Mongols. Gradually, Buddhism spread here centuries ago and now more than half of Mongolians follow Buddhism. Some Mongolian tribals such as – Kazakhs and Uyghurs follow the religion of Islam. Gobi Mongols provide equal opportunities to the women of their society and a woman’s purity is not a matter of concern for them which makes the Mongolian tribes different from others.


The Gobi Mongols are basically nomads by nature. Their livelihood totally depends on the livestock they possess. Their terrain requires them to wear long clothes that cover their body from head to toe. Their harsh climate doesn’t provide them much vegetation, so they get their food, milk and wool from the cattle. Although Gobi Mongolians tribe largely follows the Buddhism which spread here very rapidly but a significant population of tribes follow the religion of Islam also. They use horses for transportation and other purposes and wear long boots for this purpose.


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