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The Eskimos in Greenland and Siberia

Eskimo were indigenous people who were related to two types of native peoples the first one were the Inuit Eskimos who stayed in Alaska, and Greenland of Canada , the other type of native peoples to which they were related were the Yupik Eskimos who were originated from Siberia.

Eskimo is a term used specifically for two types of inter-related indigenous or tribal inhabitants. These people are Inuit Eskimos from Alaska, Canadian origin or Greenland origin, Yupik Eskimos of Siberian origin. There is a third type of indigenous inhabitant who is related to the above two types of inhabitants is Aleut who is of the Aleutian Island Origin and is majorly excluded from the term Eskimo.  These three types of groups relatively share similar ancestors and they speak mostly similar languages; the language spoken by them is from the Aleut language family. The main occupation practiced by Eskimos is hunting arctic animals and birds, fishing, and hunting seals. The Eskimos word is derived from Montagnais word, the Eskimos means netter of snowshoes. The Eskimo word is used to refer to indigenous inhabitants of Greenland, Canada, Alaska, Siberia. 

The Eskimos of Greenland and Siberia 

This part will briefly educate about the Eskimos of Greenland and Siberia. The first one were the Inuit Eskimos who were found in Greenland of Canada and in the Alaskan Region and they originated from these regions only. Another type of Eskimos that were the Yupik Eskimos that have originated from the Siberian region that they were found over there.  

All these people were of different types but over all their ancestors were similar and the language spoken by them was absolutely or mostly the same, the language they used to speak was the Aleut Language . The main work done by Eskimos were hunting arctic animals and birds, fishing, and hunting seals.  The Eskimo word was usually used   for referring to the indigenous inhabitants of Greenland, Canada, Alaska, Siberia.  According to some reports it was found that the government of Canada and Greenland have strictly prohibited the use of Eskimo word on any kind of official documents. Now Canada uses the term Inuit to describe or refer to native people living on the country’s northern side. The Eskimos chose to live in igloos or snow houses. The areas where Eskimos used to stay had very extreme cold weather. It was not possible to have huts and rock houses, therefore the Eskimos used to build houses from snow to save themselves from the extremely cold climate. Thus, Eskimos lived in igloos, snow huts, or snow houses. The reason behind making houses out of the snow was that the trapped air pockets would act as an insulator for them. 

Inuit From Canada, Greenland, and Alaska 

The Inuit Eskimos indigenous people were culturally, linguistically, and ethnically unique and different in nature, and they were residents of Canada, Greenland, and Alaskan regions. Few Inuits reside in Arctic Canada, north and southwestern Alaska and some reside in the far East of Russia. As a result, it is pretty much clear Inuit live in the coldest climatic conditions in the northern part of the world because the northern part of the world is extremely cold. 

Yupik From Siberia 

The Yupik Eskimos are native peoples of Russian and Siberian origin. The language spoken by them is the central Alaskan Yupik language. This language originated from the Aluet Language family. As per some anthropological studies it was encountered that they had common ancestors from Aluet Eskimos who originated from eastern Siberia around 10,000 years ago. 


This article helps a brief understanding on the Eskimos of Greenland and Siberia. The Eskimos were generally related to two types of indigenous peoples: firstly, the Inuit Eskimos who have originated from Greenland of Canada and Alaskan region on the other hand, indigenous people who have originated from Siberia named the Yupik Eskimos. Other than these two there were another type of Eskimos who were related to these two types of Eskimos they were named as Aluet Eskimos and they were from the Aleutian Island. The language spoken by these three types of natives were from the Auet language family. And also these three types of Eskimos had mostly similar ancestors.


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What language was spoken by Yupik Eskimos?

Ans. The language spoken by them is the central Alaskan Yupik language. This language is originated from the Aluet L...Read full

Where do the Eskimos live?

Ans. The Eskimos chose to live in igloos or snow houses. The areas where Eskimos used to stay had very extreme cold ...Read full

Why did Eskimos choose to live in igloos?

Ans. The reason behind Eskimos making houses out of snow or covering their huts with snow was that the trapped air p...Read full

What activities were being practiced by Inuit of Canada, Greenland, and Alaska?

Ans. The main occupation practiced by Eskimos is hunting arctic animals and birds, fishing, and hunting seals. ...Read full