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Southern Plateaus in Asia

This article is a comprehensive guide for detailed information on the southern plateaus and the islands. Read more here to understand the southern plateaus in detail and some questions.

The Asian region comprises mainly three plateaus, the Deccan plateau, the Iranian plateau, and the Tibetan plateau. This Deccan plateau falls in the category of the Southern Plateau in Asia. This article will provide you with important information for a piece of comprehensive knowledge of the Southern Plateaus in Asia. All the plateaus mentioned above in the southern region of Asia are of significant geographical importance. Southern Asia consists of two other plateaus: the Tibetan plateau and the Malwa plateau. These plateaus represent the historical boundaries of west India and are bounded by the Vindhya Himalayan range to the Satpura in the north.

What are Plateaus?

Plateau is a region of upland or low mountain ranges which consists of flat terrain that includes the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the land surface, which is raised nattily above the surrounding regions on at least one side. Plateaus are also referred to as tableland or high plains, and they are created by enormous actions, including extrusion of lava, erosion by glaciers and water, and upwelling of magma. Plateaus can be further categorised as intermontane, continental, or piedmont based on the surrounding area and environment.

Southern Asian Region

South Asia is rich in both ethnocultural and geographical terms. The region includes the countries of Bangladesh, Bhutan, Afghanistan, India, Maldives, Pakistan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. Geographically it is described mainly by the Indian Ocean in the south, and Pamir, Karakoram, and the Himalayas. The region has various geographical features and is home to enormous glaciers, rainforests, deserts, valleys, and grasslands. The climatic condition of this area varies significantly from region to region, from hot in the north to tropical rain in the south.

Southern Plateaus in Asia

The southern plateaus are geographically very ancient and stable and therefore are rarely or least affected by tremors of the earth or tectonic disturbances. It is rich in its diversity, flora, and fauna and is home to many resources and mineral deposits such as coal, manganese ore, bauxite, mica, iron ore, and many others. The plateau is bounded by the ghats on the west and east, while its northern bounds are the Vindhya Himalayan range. It is a dissected plateau negotiated by rivers like Kaveri, Krishna, and the Godavari, which flow eastwards from the western ghats to the Bay of Bengal. The plateau of the Indian Peninsula rises abruptly along the coast of the Arabian Sea and further becomes forbearing towards the Bay of Bengal. 

Brief about the Deccan Plateau

The Deccan plateau is one of  the largest in southern Asia. Topographically it is located to the south of the Gangetic plains, between the mountain ranges, the western ghats, and the eastern ghats, and is described as the peninsular region between these mountain ranges to the south of the Narmada river. It is bounded by the Satpura and Vindhya Himalayan ranges in the north. The area surrounded by water from the three sides is termed a peninsula, and the area of flat land raised above sea level is called a plateau. Hence, the Deccan plateau is referred to as the peninsular plateau because three rivers surround it. It consists of precious stones and is rich in minerals such as mica, coal, iron ore, asbestos, and kyanite. It is severely triangular and approximately covers an area of about five lakhs sq km, including India. The Deccan plateau is one of the oldest plateaus formed millions of years ago by volcanic eruptions and explosions that lasted for millions of years, resulting in lava deposition. After the volcanoes vanished, the layers of lava deposited transformed into the upland region, and thus the Deccan plateau was formed.


The Southern plateaus and the islands are generally referred to as a group of plateaus, including the Deccan plateau, the Iranian plateau, and the Tibetan plateau. As far as the definition is concerned, the plateaus can be referred to as a region of low or upland mountain ranges consisting of flat terrain. These plateaus have geographical significance associated with them. This article has provided comprehensive information on the southern plateaus and the islands of India, along with critical thinking questions on southern plateaus.


Overall, the peninsulas are nature’s creation, pushing or dragging, tribute to the global landscape’s beauty. In this article, we understood the meaning behind the formation of peninsulas and noted some of the largest and smallest peninsulas in the world and Asia. The peninsula area coverage in Asia showcases some Asian nations built around those specific landmass has a very different feature than other parts of the world. These peninsulas have various distinct features where the unique geographic formation is extended from large mainland to a water source nearby. 


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What are the southern plateaus made up of?

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