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Important Industrial Towns in India

Let's learn about the important industrial towns in India and what kind of industries are present in the industrial towns. Also, take a look at what new industrial towns are emerging recently.

India is a large country characterised by a high population. Since the geographical area covered by India is large, a lot of diversity in culture, languages and livelihood can be observed. Since various weather conditions exist in India, it favours the development of many industries. Many industrial towns have been developed in various regions of India, containing various types of Industries. For example, tea plantations are mostly found in states like Assam, so the towns in Assam will emerge as industrial tea towns in India. What kind of industries would develop in a town depends on the area.

Industries in India

India is a developing country. India is progressing in many fields at a great pace. During the last few years, India’s industrial sector has also been performing well. Different types of industries contribute differently to the economy. The various industries are primary industries, secondary, and tertiary industries. The tertiary industries are called service sector industries. 

The contribution of the service sector to the Indian GDP is higher than any other sector. There are various towns where the concentration of certain industries is high due to factors like the availability of raw materials, favourable weather and government funding. Such towns are known as industrial towns. 

What kind of industries develop in a town depends upon raw materials and climate. For example, the climate in Maharashtra is favourable for sugarcane crops; hence Maharashtra has Industrial towns for sugarcane. Let us look at various Industrial towns in India and what industries they have.


Maharashtra has Industrial towns for many industries like the IT industry, electronic, and sugarcane industries. The Information technology industries are more prominently found in the industrial towns of Mumbai and Pune. 

Being a metropolitan city gives them an advantage in the IT field. Nashik has a lot of grape plantations; hence the towns in Nashik are industrial towns for the grape-producing industry. Towns in Gadchandur and Warora have mining industries due to the availability of minerals on their grounds.

Chandrapur has favourable surroundings for iron and steel industries hence industrial towns for those industries are situated in Chandrapur. 


Since Rajasthan is a desert area, towns in Rajasthan aren’t very well suited for agriculture and other agro-based industries; however, many industrial towns for the textile sector exist in Rajasthan. The textile industries are especially blooming in the area of Pali. Automobile and auto components Industries can be found in the towns of Bhiwandi.

West Bengal

The tea of Darjeeling is pretty famous. In the towns of Darjeeling, many tea plantations are taken by the farmers. Since the raw material is available so easily, the tea manufacturing industries have developed in the Darjeeling area of West Bengal. 

Farmers in the Bhadreshwar area take jute crops; hence the industrial towns for jute manufacturing are found in Bhadreswar in large concentration. Many textile and silk production industries have been developing in the towns of Baharampur and Shantiniketan.

Jammu and Kashmir

The climate of Jammu and Kashmir is extremely cold, which favours plantations of saffron. The industries in Jammu and Kashmir produce most of the saffron required by India.

The cold climate is also favourable for various types of hill sheep and goats. Their fur is used to make carpets, and hence carpet manufacturing industries are blooming in Jammu and Kashmir.


Bengaluru is an industrial town in the IT sector. Most of the IT and electronic factories in India are situated in Bengaluru. Silk is produced in the Mysore and Kollegial region of Karnataka. The availability of many raw materials makes the establishment of paper Industries in Dandeli easier.


Amul, the leading brand of milk and milk products, is based in Gujarat. Hence, dairy industries’ development in Gujarat has been well, and industrial towns for the same have been established. The farmers in Bardoli take sugar plantations. Hence Bardoli has a sugar Industry. Textile industries have been developed in Jetpur.


Goa is the smallest state of Maharashtra. However, many towns in Goa have a coastline, and hence there are industrial towns for the fishery industry in Goa. Ice cream manufacturing industries also exist in Goa in some concentration. Goa is also famous for its liquor manufacturing industries and supplies liquor to other parts of India.

Such are the industrial towns in various states of India. 


The industrial development of India is going at a rapid pace. The availability of many workforces, a favourable climate for various crops, a great coastline, and supportive government policies have led to this industrial development of India. New industrial towns are being developed every day. In Maharashtra, a lot of its industries and sugarcane Industries can be found. Gujarat is popular for its milk production industries. Bengaluru in the state of Karnataka is considered the IT hub of India. The states like Goa have a coastline and have a lot of seafood and food processing industries. Such are the various industrial towns in India.


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