The article explains the composition and structure of the atmosphere that is similar to a shield under which we can breathe, eat, fulfil our needs, and thus make survival possible.


Igneous rocks are formed with the molten magmas that are originally gathered around on the surface of volcanoes. Not only on the Earth’s surface but the molten magma also sticks together and makes rocky lumps underground. All magmas mainly develop underground in the lower areas of the mantle. The igneous rocks have different types and the format of crystallization is the main reason behind the classification. The concept of how igneous rocks formed comprises multiple steps and the slow and steady process develops a crystallized Earthy element.        


Igneous rocks

The solidified rocks or the igneous rocks have gotten their name from the Latin word ‘ignis’. At first, the molten magmas develop near the hot spots and then rise towards the cold surface and become crystallized. Igneous rocks mainly form on the deeper surface of the Earth and later the solidified elements rise towards the upper part of the Earth because of the changes in the temperature the molten lava slowly crystallized. Not only have the variations of the temperature from the hotspot of the Earth to the upper part of the mantle but also the chemical reactions played a major part in changing the formation of the magma. These rocks comprise multiple components that have different compositions that change the cooling format of the molten magma. The changes in the look and the changes in the format of cooling can be dependent on the structure of the components that a lump of magma comprises. For example, two different-looking rocks could be developed from the same magma. Either ‘rhyolite’ or ‘granite’ are the known components that are the primary element for changing the development format of the rock and the cooling time as well. The rocks either could cool down slowly or could slowly.               

Types of igneous rocks

Igneous rocks have two different types; ‘Intrusive Igneous Rocks’ and ‘Extrusive Igneous Rocks’. The types of igneous rocks vary based on the chemical components and the structures that it takes before solidifying as a rock. The pre-structure of the rock creates the characteristics and the changes in the development dependent on the modification of the chemical components and the temperature of the computer area. The characteristics and the formation of the various types of igneous rocks are,

Intrusive Igneous Rocks- 

Intrusive or the ‘plutonic rocks’ are a kind of igneous rocks. This type of rock takes shape by the process of solidifying based on the atmosphere of the deep part of the Earth. These types of igneous rocks develop underground as rising towards the cold surface and take years to crystallize and solidify. The intrusive magmas form as a chunk of rock within the Earth’s crust and the solidification of the rock depends on the chamber of the existing rocks that are already turned into igneous rock. Mainly the components of the magma play a major role because the variations of the mineral grains are the key components that decide the structural outcome of the magma as a solidified rock. The cooling time is also dependent on this factor. However, the size of the lump is also a factor that decides the texture and the color. Most of the intrusive rocks have grained texture. ‘Diorite’, ‘granite’, ‘pegmatite’ are some intrusive igneous rocks.    

Extrusive Igneous Rocks-

These types of igneous rocks form by the oozing magmas that erupt from volcanoes. Most of the time magmas rise and cool towards the closest mantle of the earth’s surface and later they become rocks by the solidifying process. The chemical structure changes and the oxidization instantly exposes the characteristics of the rock and their classification. Based on the atmosphere and the temperature of the outer surface these types of igneous rocks quickly cool down and the crystallization process does not get much time to grow and the rocks become fine-grained. The glossy look and the glassy texture of the extrusive rocks take place as the hot gas bubbles trap within the lava and provide a ‘vesicular’ texture. ‘Pumice’, ‘rhyolite’, ‘basalt’, ‘obsidian’, and ‘andesite’ are some examples of extrusive Igneous Rocks.        

Formation of igneous rocks

The Latin word ignis is the source of the term igneous that clarifies the development of the rocks from fire. The concept of how igneous rocks formed depends on the condition of the molten magma that originates from deep within Earth’s hotspot and later rises towards the cold surface of the Earth and becomes crystals. At first, because of heat and pressure, the underground magma burst out towards the cold surface, and later the chemical structure changes, the oxidation process cools down the magmas, and this overall process gives birth to crystallized igneous rocks.       


The igneous rocks emerge from undergrounds and the changes in the atmosphere play the key component in the cooling process and in developing the look and the grain structure. The igneous rocks have two different kinds and they have variations based on the chemical structure and the components as well. The igneous rocks take time to become hard and also could be very quickly formed as rocks with rough and glassy textures. Not only the outer components but also the inner structure of the magma becomes the reason for the key characteristics of the igneous rocks.  


Frequently Asked Questions

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How are igneous rocks formed?

Ans. Igneous rocks are created from molten magma and lava.

What are the two types of igneous rocks?

Ans. Intrusive and Extrusive are the two types of igneous rocks that can be f...Read full

What are the examples of igneous rocks?

Ans. Basalt, obsidian, granite, tuff, scoria, rhyolite, and pumice are ...Read full

What are the places in India where igneous rocks are mostly found?

Ans. Himalayan Belts and Deccan Traps are the main two places in India....Read full