Railway Exam » Railway Exam Study Materials » Geography » HOW DEEP IS THE CENTRE OF THE EARTH?


The article explains the composition and structure of the atmosphere that is similar to a shield under which we can breathe, eat, fulfil our needs, and thus make survival possible.


Reaching the earth’s centre has always been a prime attraction for scientists and geologists all around the world. The present study has discussed the centre of the Earth and its key facts within the interior of the planet. Travelling into the depth of the centre has been the prime topic in the current study. Further, it has assessed the value of G within the centre point of planet Earth along with the reasons behind not travelling into the depth of the world. Additionally, the study has discussed and outlined the components of Earth’s centre and defined the procedure that can be effective to measure the depth of the centre of the Earth.

What is the centre of the Earth?

The core of the Earth is commonly known as the centre of the Earth that starts from 2890 km down from the upper level of the planet. The total diameter for the Earth’s centre is 6800 km that involves the molten outer core and the solid inner core. The solid inner core within the centre of the Earth has a radius of 760 miles that is around 1200 km according to NASA. Further, it is surrounded by a liquid part that consists of iron, nickel and alloy within the core.  

Depth of the centre of the Earth

According to scientists, the common diameter of Earth’s crust is 21 miles and in terms of the mantle part, it is 1774 miles thick. One has to travel around 3,958 miles that is 6,371 kilometres in order to travel to the centre of the Earth. Currently, the diameter of Earth is 12,740 km, which outlines the fact that travelling to the centre of the Earth cannot be possible due to the depth of the centre according to the current calculations. Apart from that, reaching the inner core of the Earth involves travelling 6,370 kilometres that appear as a major deep section within the planet. 

Value of G at the centre of the Earth

According to the equation of measuring Earth’s core g represents the acceleration Gravity and d represent the distance to the centre of the Earth. The present value of Earth’s centre is 9.8 m/s2 that is measured after calculating the distance and the gravitational force of Earth’s centre in real-time. The value of g in the equation of Earth’s centre is represented as 0 as there is no gravity in the centre of the Earth. So, in the Earth’s deepest centre there is no gravitational pull that represents the value of g as 0. 

Why we cannot go to the centre of the Earth

Travelling to the utmost centre of the Earth has always been a dream for scientists and geologists but there are sheer restrictions that do not allow travel to the earth’s centre. First, there is a major barrier related to temperature within the centre of the planet. The average temperature of Earth’s centre most part is 5,000 degrees Celsius, which is not penetrable for human beings in the current times. Further, the pressure within the centre is also a major issue for not travelling to the centre of the Earth. The pressure within the core is generally 3.6 billion atm that makes the centre of the Earth not accessible.

Parts of the centre of the Earth

The centre of the Earth is generally divided between two significant parts that make the core distinctive within the interior of the Earth. The parts of the centre are discussed below. 

  • Inner core: This is a solid part of the centre made with a mineral-rich crust and mantle. Two of the significant components of the inner core are nickel and iron.   
  • Outer core: The outer core is a liquid part that involves molten rock and covers the inner core with its radius. It is generally made of liquid nickel and molten iron. 

Measurement procedure of the depth of Earth’s centre

Measuring the depth of Earth’s core involves analysing the magnetic field of the planet meticulously. Further, monitoring the seismic waves within the Earth’s core can also be effective in order to measure the depth of the centre successfully. Scientists can send they can measure seismic waves to the core and from the reply, the depth of the core successfully. 


The centre most part of the Earth is the hottest region within the Earth’s interior and travelling to the core appears as an impossible task for the human being in the current time. The core of the Earth is 6,371 kilometres deep that makes it an impossible venture to make. The gravitational pull within the centre is 0 that makes it impossible to travel to the centre in real-time. Hence, it can be said that travelling to Earth’s centre is currently impossible for humans in real-time.


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