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How Are Thermal Zones created?

The earth is divided into several zones via latitudes/ parallels of latitude, which are horizontal lines drawn from the equator. Read this article to know more about these thermal zones of the earth we inhabit.

The planet’s thermal zones are the geographic regions categorised as per their heat & climatic characteristics. They’re also called biogeographic zones and are classified into three categories: torrid zones, temperate zones, as well as cold zones. These thermal zones are identified via their latitudes position & mean climatic behaviour over a year. Read the article further to find out about how these thermal zones are created, and the characteristics of each zone. 

The planet’s 3 main thermal zones arise due to Ecological zones, which have distinct characteristics that are influenced not just by climate but also by natural land & marine features.

The categorization of heat zones has changed as research and technology advancement in respective fields have progressed, allowing for a more precise definition of the characteristics of each zone and if their combination generates Hybridised subcategories.

The frigid zones will meet at the northern and southern poles, the temperate zones will cover the middle region of the world, and the torrid zones will be located in Ecuador.


The three large thermal zones have influenced concepts of geological and climatic variations from ancient times.

Parmenides as well as Aristotle are credited with the initial hypothesis, which divided the temperature zones based on their distance from Ecuador.

Those areas that are now called hot and cold were deemed unsuitable for life at the time, keeping just the temperate zone as suitable for human survival.

Humans have demonstrated to be able to adjust to and live in all of the designated thermal zones over time.

The discovery of the planet’s southern hemisphere reignited interest in heat zones research.

By this period, the planet had been split into the three geozonas, which were depicted as an unequal division in pictures.

The scientist Alexander Humboldt began subdividing the temperature zones in the nineteenth century, expanding three broad distinctions into seven particular distinctions: equator, torrid, warm, temperate, frigid, Snowy, and chilly. The new classifications were based mostly on heat and latitude features, which are still determining factors in today’s climatic classifications.

How are thermal Zones created? 

Latitudes refer to the horizontal lines on geographical maps, which are fictitious lines drawn parallel to the equator. The Equator is an imagined line that divides the planet into two halves, the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. It is a crucial benchmark for determining the position of locations on the planet.

The parallel (horizontal lines parallel to the equator) of latitudes are the horizontal lines that go above the Equator and below it.  The parallels above the Equator are called ‘north latitudes,’ and the parallels below the Equator are called south latitudes.’ The magnitude/value of latitudes is then accompanied by the letters ‘N’ for north parallels (latitudes) and ‘S’ for southern parallels (latitudes). 

Besides the Equator, the Tropic of Capricorn, the Tropic of Cancer, the Antarctic Circle, and the Arctic Circle are significant parallels that assist us to track down locations on the Earth. The Tropic of Cancer, as well as the Arctic Circle, is located in the northern hemisphere above the equator, while t the Antarctic Circle and the Tropic of Capricorn are in the southern hemisphere, below the equator. 

Different sections of these latitudes, receive solar radiation at various angles, resulting in three heat zones: 

  • Torrid
  • Temperate
  • Frigid

Torrid zone

The climate of the torrid zone, also defined as the tropic, is characterised by very high and consistent temperatures year-round, the absence of seasons, and varying changes in precipitation patterns and humidity depending on the altitude of particular regions.

Several climatic and topographic categories arose from this region, including the tropical biome, which is among the most diversified in respect of flora and fauna.

Temperate Zone

Zone of moderate climate

The temperate zone is a heat zone that exists in both the northern and southern hemispheres of the globe and is categorized as temperate north and south.

It begins when the torrid zone stops, both towards the north and south. It stretches from the Tropic of Cancer towards the Arctic Circle in the northern hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn towards the Antarctic Circle in the southern hemisphere. 

The temperate zone has moderate temperatures which do not reach thresholds of heat/ cold. The climate normally follows a predictable pattern, with distinct seasons such as the summer season and winter, as well as slow transitions between them, such as fall and spring.

Frigid Zone

This thermal zone, which refers to the earth’s natural ends of the spectrum, does have the lowest temperature and perhaps the most difficult conditions for human habitation.

They are the world’s coldest regions, permanently coated in snow and ice. The northern polar layer is a portion of the Arctic Circle, whereas the southern polar layer is a portion of the Antarctic area.

The frigid zones have distinctive characteristics due to their position about the Sun: from the northern/southern pole’s centre, the Sun shines for six months straight, followed by six months of complete night darkness, creating the impression of a day lasting for one year.


To summarise, the absence of season, relatively high and stable temperatures all year, and varying shifts in rainfall pattern and humidity characterise the torrid zone.  The Frigid Zone is the area between the Polar Circle and the North Pole in the northern hemisphere, as well as between Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the southern hemisphere. The temperate zone is characterised by moderate temperature and a huge variety of flora and fauna


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