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Highest mountain peaks (world)

Mount Everest is the highest mountain range in the world. Know about the highest mountain peak in India and the world here in this article.


The highest mountain peaks in India and the world are a sight to behold and offer hikers and climbers some of the most challenging terrains on earth. They are not just known for the adventure sports aspect they hold, but also because of their scenic qualities and the mesmerizing once in a lifetime experience they offer. 

Highest Mountain Peak In India

Kanchenjunga (28,169 ft/ 8586 Mtrs), the highest peak in India and the world’s fourth-tallest peak, is located at the Sikkim-Nepal border. The name means “Five Great Treasures of Snows” which refers to its five peaks that are just under 30 feet high each. It was first climbed by a British expedition led by John Hunt in 1955. Kanchenjunga has since become an important pilgrimage site for Hindus as well as Buddhists who believe it contains holy relics from their saints buried inside its walls!

Other High Mountain Peaks In India

Nanda Devi (25,646 ft/ 7817 Mtrs) is an important Hindu temple in Uttarakhand. The peak lies on the border between Tibet and India near Narkanda town which also serves as a base camp for tourists visiting this majestic area of natural beauty.

Highest Mountain Peak In The World

Mount Everest is the tallest mountain on Earth and one of the most famous landmarks in all of Asia. It stands at 29,029 feet (8845 Mtrs) tall which makes it approximately five times taller than any other peak anywhere else! Mount Everest was first climbed by Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay Sherpa on May 29th, 1953 after many failed attempts over several decades before this date.

Other High Mountain Peaks In The World

Denali (28,250 ft) and Kilauea are two volcanoes in the United States. Denali is located near Anchorage Alaska with an elevation of 20300 feet above sea level while Kilauea lies off-shore from Hawaii’s Big Island at about 13200ft high up on its summit. Both these peaks have been active recently which makes them very popular among climbers as well who come to see this natural wonder first hand!

Why is Mount Everest called the Highest when there are other mountains with greater elevations?

It’s interesting to note that while Mount Everest is the highest mountain peak in the world when measured from sea level, its height doesn’t compare to other mountains when measured from their bases. For example, Mauna Kea in Hawaii is 33,500 feet above sea level but it starts at the bottom of the ocean and rises 13,678 feet above its base, making it much taller than Everest. Chimborazo in Ecuador is also taller than Everest when measured from its base. So why is Mount Everest called the “highest”? The reason has to do with how elevation is measured. The elevation is typically measured from mean sea level, which means Mt. Everest’s height is technically the highest. 


While the world is filled with various ranges of mountains, the Himalayas are certainly world-famous due to the multiple high peaks they offer. Additionally, the three layers of mountains with completely different geography, vegetation, and the climate attract people more to this wonderful range of absolute beauty.


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Who climbed Everest first?

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