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Heating and Cooling of the Atmosphere

There are three ways heat is moved into and through the environment: radiation, conduction, and convection. They are known for the process of cooling and heating the atmosphere.

Conduction happens when two bodies with temperature differences are in touch with each other; there is a progression of energy from the hotter to the cooler body. The exchange of hotness goes on until both the bodies attain equal temperature. Conduction is crucial in warming the lower layers of the climate. The air in touch with the earth rises on warming as it flows. This course of vertical warming of the environment is known as convection. The convective exchange of energy is restricted uniquely to the lower atmosphere. So we shall learn about the process of cooling and heating the atmosphere.

 Heating and Cooling of the Atmosphere

There are unique approaches to the warming and cooling of the air. The earth, warmed by insolation, sends the hotness to the barometrical layers close to the earth in the long waveform. The air reaching out to the land gets warmed bit by bit, and the higher layers in touch with the lower layers likewise get warmed. This method is called conduction. Conduction happens when two assemblages of lopsided temperature are in touch with each other; there is a progression of energy from the hotter to the cooler body. The heating and cooling of the atmosphere generate until both bodies achieve an equal temperature. Conduction is crucial in warming the lower layers of the climate. The air in touch with the earth rises on warming as it flows. This course of vertical warming of the environment is known as convection. The convective exchange of energy is restricted uniquely to the lower atmosphere.

  1. Conduction

When two bodies of different temperatures come into contact, conduction occurs. Energy flows in the opposite direction, from the warmer to the cooler body.

This energy transfer continues until the temperatures of the two bodies are equal or their contact is broken. Conduction is a crucial step in heating the atmosphere’s lower layers.

2. Convection

Due to heating, the air in contact with the earth rises vertically. The atmosphere’s heat is transmitted through heated air in the form of current. Convection is the term for the process of heating the atmosphere.

The troposphere is the only place where energy is transferred by convection.

3. Advection

Advection is the heat transfer that occurs when air moves horizontally. Air movement in the horizontal direction is more crucial than in the vertical direction. Most diurnal (day and night) fluctuations in daily weather are driven solely by advection in middle latitudes.

Local winds are known as ‘loo’ resulting from the advection process in tropical locations, particularly in northern India during the summer season.

4. Terrestrial Radiation 

The earth receives insolation in brief waves, which heat its surface. After being heated, the earth transforms into a radiating body that emits energy to the atmosphere in a lengthy waveform.

From below, this energy heats the atmosphere. Terrestrial radiation is the name for this process.

Atmospheric gases absorb longwave radiation, particularly carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. As a result, the earth’s radiation heats the atmosphere indirectly.

Heat is then radiated and transmitted into space via the atmosphere. Finally, the sun’s heat is returned to space, keeping the earth’s surface and atmosphere at a constant temperature.

The earth does not gain or lose heat as a whole. It keeps its temperature constant.

5. Heat budget of planet earth:-

This is only possible if the amount of heat absorbed as insolation equals the amount lost by the earth due to terrestrial radiation. Take into account that the insolation received at the top of the atmosphere is 100%.

Some energy is reflected, scattered, and absorbed as it passes through the atmosphere.

Only a small portion of the remaining material reaches the earth’s surface. Before reaching the earth’s surface, about 35 units are reflected in space. Twenty-seven units are reflected from the tops of clouds, whereas two units are reflected from snow and ice-covered ground portions.

The albedo of the earth is the quantity of radiation reflected. The earth’s surface absorbs the remaining 65 units, 14 units by the atmosphere, and 51 units by the atmosphere.


The cooling and heating of the atmosphere occur in a variety of ways. Solar Radiation is absorbed by the atmosphere. Conduction, Radiation from the ground, Convection, and advection are two terms used interchangeably. Solar Radiation Absorption in Parts. The Sun’s rays travelling through the atmosphere do not immediately heat the atmosphere. Dust particles and water vapour absorb 10% of incoming solar energy, with 50% of this absorption occurring in the lowest 2 km of air, which contains the majority of the water vapour. This method isn’t thought to be very effective at raising the surface air temperature. As a result, the temperature near the surface remains low even on a bright sunny day.


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