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Facts About Solar System That Will surprise you

The solar system, the beginning of life and the universe lies at the core of science which still acts in surprising ways and impresses the normal minds of people.

It so often excites us to know and study what happened 4.57 billion years ago and led to the birth of the solar system. The solar system is the business of the sun and each planet which holds a great matter of importance in the field of science and research. 

The solar system gives us all the answers to the questions related to planets, sun, stars, moon, universe. The solar system is all about the study of planets orbiting the sun and the changes caused by this. 

What is a solar system?

A solar system is a gravitational bond that keeps the planets and other sky objects on the track. All the planetary bodies seem to revolve around the sun. In the solar system, one can find four ice giants, four terrestrial planets and dwarf planets directly rotating the sun. 

The solar system came into being around 4.6 billion years ago when a huge molecular cloud faced a gravitational collapse. Planet Jupiter has got the second highest mass after the sun in the solar system. The four named terrestrial planets, made of rock and metal are mercury, venus, earth, mars. Jupiter and Saturn planets are known as the gas giants in the solar system. 

The solar system is not only the study of planets. It also studies every other thing that is present in it. We can find other interesting things in the solar system such as – asteroid belt, Kuiper belt, scattered disc. The Kuiper disc and scattered disc further have Pluto, Orcus, Haumea, Quaoar, Makemake, and gong, Eris and Sedna, respectively. 

Some facts about the solar system that might come as surprising 

A topic as grand as the solar system requires in-depth study, research and analysing. Though the solar system was created so many billion years ago, the study continues. The system, planetary bodies, objects, cosmos, belts work mysteriously. There are still things to unfold and surprising facts and no one expected them.

Mercury is not the hottest planet 

As mercury is the first and closest planet to the sun, it is natural for us to think it is the hottest planet in the universe. But research shows something completely different and surprising. The fact is mercury is not the hottest, it is Venus, the second planet, 48 million kilometres away from the sun seems to have the hottest environment. Venus has a very thick atmosphere unlike mercury, and as a result, traps the sun’s energy without letting much escape back into space.

Earth has the rarest of elements

Mother Earth! This majestic planet is home to millions of species that coexist together and contribute to the entire ecosystem. Our planet is made up of various elements such as calcium, oxygen, magnesium, iron, nickel, and sodium [just to name a few]. And though these substances can be found in other parts of the universe, these are scarce in nature. 

In fact, the universe is mostly covered with helium and hydrogen. Therefore, the earth has the perfect balance of various diverse materials which helps it to survive and never fall short on these substances. 

Sun is the ultimate energy

Sun, the most important part of the solar system, not only determines light and dark for us, or warmth and cold. It is also the biggest and most basic source of all the energy we can harness. Even on earth, with all the science and advancement, nothing could beat the sun. 

The sun is the unlimited and natural source of energy. Harnessing solar power and turning it into solar energy benefits every section of industries, and residents. One major thing that helps everyone to harness this energy easily is the use of solar panels. They help to store and utilize solar power. 


The solar system is a mysterious study that continues to give scientists more reasons for studying the field. The sun contains 99% of the entire mass that we can find in the solar system. the planetary bodies, each are different to another. 

They have different sizes, features, scientific connotations and energy. Studying the solar system gives an idea about the entire universe in a scientific way and factual basis.


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