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Demand of Water for Irrigation

The water irrigation is mostly consumed in the domestic and industrial sectors, however, for growing irrigated paddy the ideal water application method is the drip irrigation system.

Water irrigation is primarily symbolized as the artificial application of the freshwater to the soil, through various artificial methods, such as pumps, tubes and sprays. The water irrigation procedure is initially used in those areas, where the rainfall is primarily irregular and the soil is most of the time dry. The above-mentioned water irrigation procedure is conducted by multiple types of irrigation system, which is initially supplied to the entire field uniformly. Thus, for growing irrigated paddy the ideal water application method is initially to help conduct the drip irrigation system and low rainfall area. The drip irrigation method is conducted in low rainfall areas.  

Ideal water application method and significance 

Water for irrigation is primarily associated with the central feature of agriculture for more than 5000 years. The irrigation of agriculture is initially developed independently across different cultures around the world. Although, for growing irrigated paddy the ideal water application method is initiated as an important factor for growing different types of crops in low rainfall areas. The application of water and soil initially helps to grow different types of agricultural crops. Agricultural production initially depends on the basic water irrigation methods. The water irrigation methods are initially divided into multiple ways, such as subsurface, surface, sprinkler and drip irrigation methods. The above-mentioned methods depend on multiple types of factors such as social, economic and physical factors. Water irrigation initially determines the efficient resource use of sustainability and economic viability of the upland farming system. The irrigation water system is generally applied for harvesting the crop. 

Water for irrigation purposes

  • Water irrigation is primarily applied in four types of segments, such as flooding on different types of field surfaces, applying different types of the soil surface, spraying under pressure and application of crop root zone.
  • In localized irrigation, the water is distributed at low pressure, through the baser of the pipe network and it is initially applied to each part. 
  • Surface irrigation is conducted by the land gravity, which initially does not contain any type of mechanical pump involvement. 
  • The Sprinkler irrigation is initiated as a high-pressure sprinkler, thus, for growing irrigated paddy the ideal water application method is primarily required. 
  • Irrigation procedures highlight the application and usage of water through sprays and tubes in soil. Water is utilized for irrigation purposes mainly in areas of low rainfall. Furthermore, water is utilized for irrigation procedures even in arid and semi-arid regions. Irrigation through water further emphasises on uniform supply of water in farmland. 

Fertilizer and drip irrigation

  • Drip irrigation is initially called the trickle irrigation system, which is initially dripping the water at an extremely low rate. The rate is primarily varied from 2 to 20 litres per hour.
  • Fertilizer is considered as the natural artificial substance that primarily contains multiple types of chemical elements for improving the productivity and growth of a particular plant. 
  • The dripping process and soil fertility are initially a chemical compound, which is primarily required for proper balance and growth of plants. 
  • The drip system works as a pump station to provide the right pressure to the pipe system. 
  • The control valve of the dripping system controls the pressure of the entire system.
  • The general term of drip irrigation is considered as one of the main aspects of water segmentation. The tributaries draining the water initially generate more elevation values than the original water system, where the irrigation primarily drains.
  • A water irrigation process is conducted by multiple types of irrigation system, which is initially supplied to the entire field correspondingly.
  • The fertilizer conducts a measured dose for the system of water irrigation. 


Water irrigation is an architectural procedure, which is primarily applied to control the larger amounts of water for land to assist the actual production of multiple types of crops. Hence it is primarily concluded that water irrigation is also considered as the place of growing the lawns and landscape plants, which is initially known as the watering process. In developing countries, the agricultural method is not dependent on the use of irrigation procedures, thus the agricultural aspect initially depends on the basis of direct rainfall. These natural rainfall oriented methods are also referred to as rain-fed. 


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