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Studying as an MBA Student

As a Master of Business Administration (MBA) student, teamwork, integrative learning and an interdisciplinary approach to business are essential to building a well-rounded career in management.

If you are a Master of Business Administration (MBA) aspirant or pursuing a degree, understanding the essence of teamwork and management is the key to sustaining and thriving in this field. It can give an impetus to your career in business administration. 

Integrative learning and an interdisciplinary approach to business are also essential to building a well-rounded career in management. There are many benefits of integrated learning for students, which become the basis of a business/management major’s journey in the corporate world. Choosing management to be your major also implies that you need to absorb management and teamwork’s basic and primitive principles fully. The latter demands an individual’s skills, like the ability to swiftly adjust to new environments and people, leadership, listening skills, decision-making, reliability, resourcefulness, etc.

Team Work Within Management

In simple terms, teamwork is working in tandem with your teammates to achieve a joint goal. It involves bringing together several people from different backgrounds and expertise and integrating them into group situations where they have the freedom to be heard by their group and work in collaboration with their respective teams. 

The individual differences make for more efficient and all-rounded outcomes of the issues at hand. Teams share responsibilities, usually with a leader at the helm, make joint decisions, collaborate on ideas and communicate effectively to get to their goals. 

Some basic elements are the basis for good teamwork. Here are a few of them:

  • One or a couple of shared goals and commitment to those goals.
  • The expectation of certain standards of performance.
  • Skills contributing to a smooth-running team, like the ability to listen, collaborate, communicate, etc. 
  • Similar or complementary style of approach to different projects.
  • Mutual accountability.

Interdisciplinary Approach to MBA

Although the MBA has always strived for an interdisciplinary approach to management and business practices, more times than not, the marketing, financial or human resources side of the MBA takes the spotlight. In the process, many other important aspects like behavioural skills, sustainability, leadership, etc., get ignored. Therefore this confinement of business solutions to marketing and HR issues needs to be looked into. 

The benefits of integrated learning for students are more prominent when we bring up the above-mentioned issues. This one-dimensional mindset of MBA students is due to the failure to inculcate integrative learning during their MBA program. An MBA degree is lacking without the understanding of the importance of integrative learning skills and how it is beneficial to a successful career in business and management. 

The Benefits of Integrated Learning For Students

The degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA) is specifically designed to broaden a student’s understanding of business and management techniques, their particular industries and their workings, and how these factors influence their success in their fields. This course presents its students with an integrated curriculum that focuses on the performance and expertise of today’s managers and leaders. Integrated learning involves transforming and applying what you learn in your MBA classes, whether theoretical or technical, to solve real-world problems for your clients. 

Therefore, an MBA program that gives importance to integrative learning and uses integrative learning strategies to teach its students about different organisational functions will create some strong business personalities.

Here are some of the benefits of integrated learning for students pursuing an MBA:

  • Helps gain the ability to transform theoretical concepts into practical applications. 
  • Broadens creative problem-solving and effective communication skills.
  • Develops awareness about national and global business management challenges and the ability to handle those challenges.
  • Enhances practical business leadership skills.
  • Raises the ability to expand menial business/management plans to a greater scale.

Role of Team Work During an Ongoing MBA Degree

When you enter the business management course, the importance of teamwork will be quickly evident to you. While studying, in class or outside of it, and during lectures, leaning on a group or your team will become necessary because there will be many topics discussed during class that a single student might have difficulty keeping up with. 

Thus, students need to get used to working with others as a team, collaborating on ideas, compiling information conveyed in class, and completing lectures. With reference to the above-mentioned benefits of integrated learning for students, teamwork becomes even more essential for people pursuing MBA. These integrative concepts need to be discussed within their teams to get a well-rounded perspective on all its aspects. Especially if you want to absorb and gather as much information as possible, even when it comes to assignments and projects. Working together as a team and dividing work will take a lot of unnecessary pressure off of you and help you grasp individual concepts more quickly.


If you are an MBA aspirant or pursuing it, nurturing skills like communication, leadership, listening, etc., is important for thriving in a team. Teamwork will pull you through this field that stresses on the importance of integrative learning. MBA, a forever developing interdisciplinary field, focuses on teaching students practical business management skills, exploring different global business endeavours, expanding business and management opportunities, etc. Therefore, assuming an integrated learning approach seems ideal, considering the benefits of blended learning for students, including expansion of theoretical concepts to practical situations and more.


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What Does Team Work Entail In Business/Management?

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What is Integrated learning?

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What is the Importance of Integrative learning?

Ans. Integrative learning is very important in today’s fast-paced world. As a student or a budding businessper...Read full

What are the benefits of Integrated learning for students?

Ans. There are numerous benefits of integrated learning for students, especially as part of their MBA course. Here are some of them: T...Read full