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State symbols of Meghalaya

In this brief note, you will get to know everything about Meghalaya's state symbols, from the state animal, the Clouded leopard to the state tree, Gamhar.

Meghalaya is a hilly area in northeast India. Shillong is the state capital. During British rule, the state was known as ‘East Scotland,’ thanks to its climate. Previously, Meghalaya was a part of Assam, but on January 21, 1972, the Garo, Khasi, and Jaintia hills were brought together to form a new state.

As Meghalaya mainly consists of subtropical forests, seventy percent of the state is covered with trees. Also, the forest in the mountain is different from the lowland tropical forests found in the north and the south. Meghalaya’s forests are remarkable for their diverse range of mammals, birds, and plants. Hence, we have some exotic animals and birds like the clouded leopard and the hill myna as the state’s symbols.

State Bird – Hill Myna

Scientific name – Gracula religiosa

One can often find the hill myna, the state bird of Meghalaya, flying in pairs or small herds among tall trees. The bird is known for its extensive array of calls as it can emit countless screams, squeaks, chirps, and whistles. But due to their unique ability to mimic sounds, these unique birds are being threatened by their popularity in the cage bird trade. 

  • Identifiable Characteristics

  1. Size – 28cm to 30cm

  1. Weight – 200 to 250g

  1. Physical Appearance –

  • It has a shiny green-black appearance with bright orange-yellow patches on bare skin. The large white wing patch is more obvious when the bird is in flight but stays hidden when the bird is perched. 

  • The feathers have a green-black shine with the addition of a purple tint on the head and neck.

State flower- Lady Slipper Orchid

The lady slipper orchids are outstanding decorative flowers that effortlessly provide splendour to any space. But they are more than just beautiful flowers. 

  • Scientific name – Paphiopedilum insigne

The name comes from the Latin word insignia, which means ‘badge of honour.’

The genus name, Cypripedium, is derived from the Greek word which means the feet of Venus, the Roman goddess of love, beauty, and desire. 

  • Where it Blooms –

This species is native to the Assam and Meghalaya states of India along with the Khasi Hills of the neighbouring Sylhet region of Bangladesh.

  • Identifiable Characters –

  1. Orchids are generally unique and exotic, but this particular species stands out because of its eye-catching sprout location and striking size.

  1. They tend to be long-lasting flowers that propagate through rhizomes.

  1. The height of this plant reaches about 60 cm, making it one of the largest growing orchid species.

  1. It derives its name from its appearance; it looks like a slipper or a sandal.

  • Uses –

These orchids, in particular, are used as a remedy for controlling anxiety, hysteria, insomnia, depression, and tension headaches. 

Lady slipper orchids are rare and very difficult to grow compared to other popular orchid species. Nevertheless, they continue to be a popular choice among many orchid and plant lovers.

State Animal- Clouded Leopard

  • Zoological Name – Neofelis nebulosa

The animal gets its name from the mesmerising spots on its skin which give it a cloudy appearance, enabling them to easily camouflage in the environment.

  • Meghalaya’s state animal, the clouded leopard, is unfortunately listed as an endangered species by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature).

  • In 2018, India included the clouded leopard in its Endangered Species Recovery Program to support more research and strengthen conservation efforts. The government of Meghalaya has taken steps to protect clouded leopard habitats and their captive breeders.

  • The Indian Olympic Association is considering hosting the 39th National Convention in Meghalaya in 2023, and the clouded leopard has been selected as the mascot for the national convention.

  • Habitat –

  1. They prefer evergreen tropical forests but have been witnessed in other habitats like secondary forests, logging forests, mangrove wetlands, grasslands, shrublands, arid tropical forests, and coastal and broad-leaved forests.

  1. They are arboreal and use trees primarily for rest and hunting

  • Characteristics –

  1. They use a wide range of vocalisations, including meows, hiss, growls, moans, and nasal sounds. The clouded leopards also use long-call communication. This can be either a mating call between different areas or a warning call to another cat invading another area.

  1. Like most wild cats, the male clouded leopard marks their territory by spraying urine and rubbing prominent objects with its head.

  1. The age of sexual maturity is between 22 and 28 months and mating usually occurs between December and March.

  1. The average lifespan of clouded leopards is 11 years.

State Tree- Gamhar

  • Scientific name – Gmelina Arborea

  • Common names – Kashmir tree or Beechwood tree

The gamhar is a deciduous tree, which grows naturally throughout the greater part of India at altitudes up to 1,500 metres.

Being a medicinal tree, every single part of it – roots, stem, bark, fruits, leaves, and flowers- has been used for medicinal purposes in India for a long time. Its reference can be found in all the classic texts of Ayurveda.

  • Health Benefits –

  1. The gamhar can help with injury and inflammation and improves gastrointestinal functions in the body.

  1. It supports normal heart function and maintains even blood pressure.

  1. The tree prevents bleeding and acts as a biological power booster for the body.

  1. The fruits have a beneficial anabolic effect on tuberculosis and promote the healing of the lungs.

  1. Applying a paste of the leaves of the gamhar on the forehead can relieve headaches and fever.

  1. A decoction of the tree roots can be used for abdominal tumours. The flowers help with leprosy and the roots and bark are useful herbal remedies for haemorrhoids, abdominal pain, burning sensation, fever, tridosha disease, and urinary tract infections.

  •  Other Products –

  1. Fuel: This tree is cultivated mainly for firewood and to treat tobacco leaves.

  1. Beekeeping: One can get high-quality honey from the flowers these trees produce.

  1. Fibre: Gamhar wood pulp is desirable for high-quality writing paper.

  1. Wood: It is considered a valuable all-purpose wood due to its dimensional stability and durability of about 15 years.

  1. Tannins or Colours: Both the wood ash and fruits produce a very persistent yellow colour.

  1. Silk Moth: This plant is highly recommended for breeding silk moths.


Each state and Union Territory has its own set of official symbols such as the state emblem, animal, bird, flower, and tree. Meghalaya’s state symbols celebrate the best the state has to offer, with the instantly recognisable animal, bird and tree. 


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What is the state bird of Meghalaya? Describe its appearance.

Ans. Hill myna is the state bird of Meghalaya. ...Read full

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Ans. According to the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972, clouded leopards are classified as Vulnerable (VU) by the Int...Read full

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