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South China Sea Verdict and Its Implications for India

The South China Sea is known as the busiest waterway in the world. Also, it is considered an important gateway for merchant and trading shipping. According to experts, the South China Sea dispute is the “flashpoint for the next global conflict.” It includes maritime and island claims by Brunei, China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, and Malaysia. The dispute includes Spratly and Paracel Islands, Natuna Islands, and Scarborough Shoal. These are situated in the Indo-Pacific region. In this article, we will talk about facts about the South China Sea verdict and its implications for India. So, without any further ado, let’s get started!

Introduction to the South China Sea dispute

As mentioned earlier, the South China Sea dispute is mainly about maritime and island claims by countries such as Brunei, China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, and Malaysia. The dispute includes Spratly and Paracel Islands, Natuna Islands, and Scarborough Shoal. China started constructing islands in the Paracel and Spratly Island regions that invited international condemnation of Chinese actions. Since the Chinese were present in the region, countries like France, the USA, and the UK started to conduct FONOP or Freedom of Navigation Operations in the already disputed South China Sea.

Significance of the South China Sea

Since a number of resources are available in the South China Sea, it has become extremely important. Apart from this, there are other reasons why the South China Sea has a lot of significance. These include –
  • The South China Sea has oil reserves of nearly 7.7 billion barrels
  • The Sea features natural gas reserves of an estimated 266 trillion cubic feet
  • It has oil reserves of nearly 28 billion barrels
  • One-third of the total world’s shipping passes through the South China Sea, making it the busiest channel in the world. It carries more than $3 trillion in trade annually
  • Fishes in this area are essential to meet the food demands of millions of regions

What are the claims of China in the South China Sea?

With more than 250 small islands, atolls, reefs, and shoals, the South China Sea is one of the most popular waterways globally. The dispute between the Philippines and China is majorly over three main islands, including the Spratly Islands, Paracel Islands, and Scarborough Shoal. Paracel island is a major point of dispute between China, Vietnam, and Taiwan in this list. According to the maps, China practices force over the South China Sea until the ten dash line.

Countries Involved in the South China Sea Dispute

Proofs from ancient history and Modern International laws explain how several territories of the world are coming up with claims over the Sea regions of the world. Here is the list of claims made by different countries that are involved in the South China Sea Dispute –
  1. China – According to China, the country’s history states that it held control of the entire South China Sea waterway. This dispute began during the modern era. China also came up with rights and legal concerns over the Sea. However, the country failed at proving the claims made.
  2. Malaysia – Since the southern Spratley is covered under the border of Malaysia’s continent, it makes all the claims right and acceptable.
  3. Vietnam – Based on inheritance grounds, Vietnam raised its claims recently in the 1970s.
  4. Indonesia – Indonesia only claims a certain part of the Sea under the special economic zone.
  5. The Philippines – The country made claims only on historical grounds. They wanted a specific part that is covered under the exclusive economic zone.
  6. Brunei – According to the UNCLOS or United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, claims made by Brunei are based on EEZ.

Role of India in the South China Sea Dispute

India enjoys a higher position at the global high table under the ‘Look East’ Policy. This was said by the US government in September 2014 when the Indian Prime Minister visited the United States. The joint statement released during the PM’s visit to the US required all the related parties to sort out the South China Sea Dispute through peaceful means. The statement also discussed the importance of protecting maritime security while taking care of the freedom to navigate and overflight in and around the region. Although India had not shown any support, any kind of support might lead to India losing membership in the NSG as China’s support is required here. When talking about the South China Sea, India has a legitimate commercial interest; however, India is sticking to a keeping quiet policy as it does not want to step into any dispute at this point. Since India’s 55% of trade passes through the South China Sea, India will be directly affected in case the region comes under the control of China.


With this, we come to the end of the topic facts you need to know about the South China Sea Verdict and its implications for India. The South China Sea verdict is mainly about maritime and island claims by countries such as Brunei, China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, and Malaysia. The dispute includes Paracel and Spratly Islands, Natuna Islands, and Scarborough Shoal. India had not shown any kind of support as any kind of support might lead to India losing membership in the NSG as China’s support is required here. When talking about the South China Sea, India has a legitimate commercial interest. However, India is sticking to a keeping quiet policy as it does not want to step into any dispute at this point. We hope this has helped you understand the Facts You Need to Know About the South China Sea Verdict and its Implications for India better.

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