Solar Energy In India

People appreciate the enormous benefits of installing solar panels. The demand for solar energy has gradually increased in recent decades.

One cannot doubt the relevance of solar energy. The benefits of going solar are manifold in financial terms, public health, and environmental sustainability. With each passing year, solar energy grows more popular among home and business owners, driving the installation costs lower. Suppose you’re wondering about the significance of solar energy. 

What is solar energy, and how does it work?

Energy from the sun’s light (photovoltaic energy) and its warmth (solar thermal energy) generate electricity and heat, respectively. It can be used for solar power panels or water heaters. Solar energy, which is inexhaustible and renewable, is harnessed through panels and mirrors.

Photovoltaic solar cells convert sunlight directly into electricity, using the photovoltaic effect. The photovoltaic effect occurs when specific materials absorb photons (light particles) and liberate electrons, resulting in the generation of an electric current. The heat from the sun is captured and concentrated by solar thermal collectors, which transfer it to a fluid and distribute it through pipes for electricity generation. Solar thermal collectors are used with solar thermal energy (solar thermoelectric).

Arguments in support of the importance of solar energy

Many homeowners and companies are turning to solar energy due to its undeniable advantages. A list of the most common arguments in favour of the importance of solar energy is included below:

1.It is beneficial to the environment.

The difference between solar energy and conventional electricity is that solar energy does not rely on fossil fuels, does not contaminate air or water, and does not contribute to global warming, making it the preferred option for many people. 

2.It is a dependable and cost-effective source of energy.

Solar energy is a renewable source of energy. The source of solar energy is less likely to run out compared to fossil fuels. As a result, solar energy is highly dependable. Additionally, in contrast to fossil fuels, which are expensive to extract and use, solar energy is cheaper. The requirement is limited to installing solar panels, the costs of which are reducing as it gains popularity.

3.It encourages the development of renewable energy sources

Energy independence refers to the ability of energy to operate independently of the electricity grid. This strategy exposes one to price surges and is also prone to outages. Suppose one doesn’t have any other way of supplying electricity to their home. In that case, one could face problems due to harsh weather or damage to power lines. Solar energy, particularly when combined with a backup battery system, allows one to avoid relying on unpredictable power systems.

Solar Energy in India

The dawn of the industrial period ushered in our knowledge of sunlight’s potential as a power source. A significant amount of solar energy can be harnessed in India. Most of India’s land area receives between 4 and 7 kWh per square metre of land area per day, about 5,000 trillion kWh each year. 

With solar photovoltaics, India’s energy needs can be met successfully. The ability to create power on a dispersed basis and to add capacity with short lead periods is also provided by solar power. Rural electrification and satisfaction of other energy demands, such as power, heating, and cooling, will benefit from off-grid decentralised and low-temperature applications. Solar is the most secure source of energy because of its abundant availability. 

Due to solar power, a substantial shift in the Indian energy landscape has occurred during the past several years. Decentralised and distributed applications based on solar energy have helped millions of people in Indian villages meet their cooking, lighting, and other energy needs in an environmentally-friendly manner. Solar power has become a significant factor in India’s grid-connected power generation capacity. A vital component of the government’s plan for sustainable growth while emerging as a critical player in the nation’s energy demands and a key role in energy security.


Solar energy is known as radiation from the sun that generates heat, chemical processes, or electricity. Earth’s current and future energy needs are dwarfed by the quantity of solar energy available. If properly harnessed, this distributed resource can meet all future energy demands. With its infinite supply and non-polluting nature, solar energy is predicted to become increasingly popular as a renewable energy source in the 21st century instead of the limited fossil fuel energy of coal, oil, and natural gas.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the Railway Examination Preparation.

What is solar energy, in simple words?

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What problems does solar energy solve?

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What are the two ways solar energy may be utilised?

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