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Seeking Permanent Seat in UNSC

Gather information on obtaining a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council and the situation and reasons for India acquiring a permanent seat in UNSC.

The topic of seeking a permanent seat in the United Nations comes under the umbrella of Reforms in the United Nations Security Council. The reform of the security council can only be done through the vote of at least two-thirds of United Nations member states in the general assembly and two-thirds of the member states. To introduce a new permanent member in the security council will require an amendment to the United Nations charter in which article 108 states that:

“Amendments to the present Charter shall come into force for all Members of the United Nations when they have been adopted by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the General Assembly and ratified in accordance with their respective constitutional processes by two-thirds of the Members of the United Nations, including all the permanent members of the Security Council.”

Permanent members in the United Nations Security Council

Through the United Nations charter of 1945, a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council was granted to five Nations, also known as P5. The permanent five members of the United Nations are:

  • China 
  • France 
  • Russia 
  • The United Kingdom
  • The United States of America

The P5 Nations, all the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, were allies during World War 2 and all states that possess nuclear weapons. These Nations have the power of Veto, which gives them the authority to prevent the acceptance of any draft Council resolution even though the decision was taken unanimously by other members.

Proposals for Permanent Seat in the Security Council

There is a proposal to add more members to the United Nations Security Council. These members are generally known as the G4 Nations, which are Brazil, Germany, India and Japan. Four members of the P5 Nations, namely the United Kingdom, France, Russia and the United States, support this proposal.

This idea is mainly opposed by a group of nations that are regional and economic competitors of the G4 nation. This group primarily consists of nations like Pakistan, Italy, Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, South Korea, Turkey and Indonesia.

India’s seat in the UN is as a non-permanent member. The government of India and its representative at the United Nations have made it their top priority to acquire a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council.

Reasons for India to get a permanent seat in UNSC

India’s seat in the UN is as a non-permanent member, although being the largest liberal democracy in the world. There are many reasons why India should have a permanent seat in the United Nations security council.

  • India is one of the founding members of the United Nations.
  • India has actively taken part in all the initiatives taken by the United Nations and various UN summits.
  • India has been elected seven times for a two-year non-permanent seat.
  • India has deployed the largest number of peacekeepers compared to other P5 countries.
  • India is the largest liberal democracy in the world.
  • India comes fifth in the world economy.
  • India has been a nuclear weapon state since May 1998.
  • India, throughout history, has committed itself to disarmament and nonviolence.

Benefits of India being a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council

If India acquires a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council, there are many benefits. We can see some of them in the following text:

  • A permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council would help India provide India leverage in geopolitics.
  • India would get prestige in geo-economic matters.
  • India would influence the resolutions passed in the United Nations Security Council.
  • India’s status in the United nation would upgrade from a responsible stakeholder to a global rules maker.
  • With the power of Veto, India would be able to safeguard its interest in the United Nations Security Council and be able to veto any kind of resolution that goes against or harms the interest of India.
  • India would be considered a global power and play a key role in international peace and security.


In the study material, we have learned about how a country can seek an appointment seat in the UN Security Council, who are the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, which countries are proposed to be provided with a permanent seat in the Security Council, the reasons why India should have a permanent seat and how India would benefit from it.


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